Yesterday in class, we started going over the SAME FREAKING STUFF I’ve had last semester and just like, 2 weeks ago in my other class. I was on the verge of pulling my hair out. Instead, I stopped taking notes and drew a gigantic explosion on the page, and wrote underneath it, “I HAVE EXPLODED.”
And then I just sat there, a small fiery ball of pointless rage.
And then on the flipside, I have been completely distracted by the world around me. I’ll be like, “whoa pretty” whenever I walk outside. I slowed down to 20mph on the road yesterday afternoon because I wanted to look at the way the sun was reflecting on some water. I nearly ran off the road monday because I was too busy admiring the colour of the clouds in contrast with the grass. Add this to the fact that I’ve ALWAYS gotten distracted while driving by the way space moves (ie, things farther away appear to move slower, things closer zoom by – I could stare out the car of a window for forever.) and I have completely and utterly distracted everytime I walk outside.
I think I’m just going crazy – more than normal, that is.
Either that I just *really* need spring break. One more week.