when it was another new year

Today I was digging through my pockets, because I’m wearing a pair of pants I hadn’t worn in a while and I was wondering if there was anything interesting I’d left in there. I came across a few dollar bills and a fortune cookie fortune from who-knows-when. It said, “Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” Good fortune, eh? I put it up next to my desk.

Anyway, New Year’s was fun this year, minus the glaring exception of fireworks (New Year’s without fireworks – didn’t really seem like a New Year’s Eve to me). I was the designated driver so I think everybody else was having more fun than me, too. Here’s as close as we got to a group picture – Ash, me, and Melissa.

This weekend is looking to be movie weekend, already one lined up friday night and another for saturday night. My mum is FORCING me to clean up over the weekend. I do have to say it is a disaster area, the worst it’s been in a while – I didn’t unpack from the Nashville Christmas parades, all the stuff just began a slow creep out of my suitcase and crowded up my room, then went out of town again for Christmas, bringing back more stuff to not-be-unpacked, along with all the EXTRA stuff I’d been given for Christmas. So yeah. I only go in there if I need something. It’s bad, but it depends on if I have the energy level to do it… I’ve got a costume project I want to try to finish this weekend, so that may get done instead. šŸ™‚