I soaked the upper part of the dress in a full box of dye remover last night. When I didn’t see much of a change, but I let it dry overnight.
And all I’ve done is cause the discolouration to move higher up on the side that was good. At this point I know it’s the orange/yellow tones from the red dye that aren’t going to go anywhere.
Argh. I give up. All I can really do at this point is to remove the entire dress portion, buy new fabric and remake it. It’s not a matter of time — the dress portion was the easiest part of this project, I could redo it in a night. It’s a matter of money in that I don’t have another $60 to spend on fabric right now.
So I’m a little frustrated with it. I’m going to put it on when I get home tonight and just see what it looks like.
Happy accidents though: some of the dye remover caused some discoloration in the lower part as well, causing some areas to take on a “rust” appearance, I REALLY like it:
I think part of the reason I’m frustrated is that, outside of going for a specific look, I actually really like how it looks. It’s just too high up for what I’m going for.