I finally took some pics of our house. I kept putting it off thinking, “let me get a little more done first…” but then I realised if I keep telling myself that, I’d never take pics. Figured I’d share our progress!

Welcome! Says Indy. We have two trees in the front yard and they are SO pretty when the leaves started changing- I wish I’d gotten a pic.

Anyway, we’ve been here just over 2 months. I’m really proud of the progress we’ve made, but part of it is hindered by the fact we can’t completely unpack our kitchen stuff, and that seems to trickle down to everything. Our cabinets are not even UP in the kitchen, chase took them down first thing when we moved in, and just now got to start painting them this weekend. He’s hoping to have them done and back up before Christmas.

So, to continue…

The entry way. Chase got most of the wallpaper down in here – there’s still a few stubborn spots that need to come down. I’m torn as to what colour to paint this area… it needs something but I can’t decide what will work.

The door to your left is the entryway from the garage & further on our laundry room. The wallpaper in THAT entryway must have been superglued on, it will not come down… I don’t have a full pic of it, but here’s a closeup of the design.

Nice, huh? I kinda wanted to keep it LOL

To the left is the hallway. The end is still just a place to stack stuff that has no home!

Chase’s office…
This is what it looked like before we bought the house:

I liked the brown, but Chase wanted something lighter, so we painted!

And now…

Obviously he’s still working on it – he’s got a sketched up design of what he wants to do with it. It’s going to look great when he gets done (and when I get my giant Beatles Rock Band box out of there.)

The Room of Terror
AKA the Prop/Guest room.
Here it was when we moved in… we called it the Mustard Ketchup room:

3 yellow walls and one red. We got it primered, then painted it a neutral grey.

And after we moved in… this became the room people sat stuff when they didn’t know what room to put it in, resulting in this that mess!

And now…

Better than it was, but still a mess. In terms of finishing stuff, this will be the last room we get to.

The Hall Bath
I didn’t get a pic of it before, but here’s a pic of it not long after moved in, taken while Chase was in there with the steamer taking the wallpaper down:

The wallpaper came down in there SO easily… and SO badly everywhere else!

Well we had decided a long time ago to paint the little bathroom green. We picked and green and started painting it… and I didn’t like it. We went ahead and finished it, but I still didn’t like it. It was too pastel sea-foamy… it’s hard to tell in the iphone pics, but take my word for it.

So instead of picking a different green, we decided to use a different colour – we saw a pic of a bathroom we really liked and went with that colour, a turquoise or teal-ish blue. I LOVE the new colour, but none of my stuff really goes with it anymore! LMAO I mean it’s ok, but I’ve collected stuff for over a year planning on having a green bathroom.

Sometime next year we’re going to try to remove the giant mirror on the wall, and eventually think about getting rid of the whole counter/sink piece and replacing it with something smaller/more modern looking.

The Bedroom…
It was brown when we moved in.

Chase wanted a deep red, so that’s what we went with…

And as it is now..

Our bedframe got wrecked in the move, and we still haven’t found another – I hope we do soon, I have all kinds of stuff that’s supposed to be stored under the bed that have no place to go!
Chase also found a headboard he wants to make. It sounds like it’ll be really cool.

The Master Bath..


Here it is now. You can see where we’ve been picking at it.

OMG it’s dizzying.
The steamer didn’t do anything with it. It’s just going to take a lot of time and some elbow grease : I cannot WAIT to get this done and painted… I may make it my January project LOL

The Kitchen…
When we bought the house, we had the lovely default honey-oak cabinets with a magenta-red wall, and off-white and pink tiles.

We laid down new tiles over the icky ones..

And after multiple coats of primer, we painted it blue.

As I said, Chase just started painting the cabinets this weekend. When we’re done, they’ll be dark espresso, like our table.

Here’s pics as of now…

Seriously guys I cannot wait to get these cabinets back up and put all the kitchen stuff away properly and finish unpacking the rest!! It’s like once that’s done, I can finish everything else.

The Living room…
We didn’t paint the living room and hall, we actually liked the colour it was originally. My cousin and I buckled down the day we moved in and got a lot of the stuff unpacked. It’s basically set up, though we haven’t got anything hung on the walls and we’re still tinkering with it.

Pics from our first night here…

And now…

(check out Indy’s home-made window bench LOL)

I’m torn about the chair. I don’t want to keep it there blocking the fireplace, might move it to the other side of the couch… or I might put it in the bedroom and get another chair for the living room.

Chase is going to take a photo, have it printed large format and framed for over the fireplace 🙂

And finally my office.
As it was when we moved in…

I actually reallllly loved this red, but it was just too dark for my office. That red was hard to cover up, tho.

The colour I picked was “dolphin grey” And here it is when it was done, and clean LOL

And here it is now… LMAO

I’m trying to unpack/reorganize and get everything put away neatly. So to do that, you have to make a mess. You know how it goes.

But here’s the cabinet I scored off craigslist.

Matches my desk and I can store stuff in there without having to make sure it looks neat LOL (actually it’s probably the neatest thing in my office right now, all my MST3k tapes and dvds are stacked in there.)

The odds and ends…
Our garage:

Which is right now cabinet land.


Side yard

Back porch – Indy says Bye!
The end! Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving 🙂