Johanna progress

So I started messing around with my Johanna costume, even though I still have other stuff to finish right now. I got the lining and most of the dress cut Sunday:

Beginning work on my Johanna costume.I picked up this fabric locally. I didn't realize I was looking at the wrong side when I bought it. The right side is metallic! I thought it might be neat to use the metallic side, but it was just too much. So I used the wrong side. I started out constructing a basic dress out of this material to build the rest of the dress of | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I reaalllly like the fabric I got for the base dress and I’m kinda sad it’s basically going to be covered up. Maybe I can figure out a way to leave the skirt uncovered. Anyway – I got the bodice and most of the skirt sewn together last night – I didn’t sew the back on and I haven’t cut the godets yet, since I’m not 100% sure how I want to do them yet. I’m having to be really crafty with this base fabric, because they were about two yards shorter than what I wanted.
Anyway, I just pinned my chiffon on to see how it looks, but it’s way too thick (I didn’t want to unfold it… lazy) so it’s not really an accurate idea.

Working on my Johanna dress.I got a little more of the base dress put together, and draped some of my chiffon of it just to get a sense of how it would look | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I’m just really not in a “Figure out how to make this” place right now, but I really want to sew, so I’m just messing around, basically.