hello world

I am back, minus a uterus.

It all went well! We were up at 4am Wednesday morning and off to the hospital, only to find the door locked. Went into the ER and asked the nurses there and they told us they dont open til 5:30. My arrival time was 5. Went back home and got my paperwork with the number to call and they said they would be open at 5 but if we were there earlier they could come down and unlock the door. Got back right before 5 and it was open. Just a weird little hiccup.

They got me back in a room and prepped and then I was first up that morning so they rolled me back, gave me some meds, talked to the anesthesiologist and my doc, and then they rolled me into the OR. Moving to the OR bed was the last thing I remember before waking up in recovery.

I woke up with a dry mouth and having to pee realllly bad. They gave me some ice chips and then rolled me back to the room where my nurse was really glad to hear I already to pee LOL She helped me into the bathroom and mission successful.

Doc said surgery went great. I barely bled. She gave me pictures! So now I have an xray of my foot with a sewing needle in it and of my insides before and after uterus.

Had to wait until some medicine drip finished before they could let me leave and it took forever. My nurse kept trying to make it go faster and finally it had gotten down to like 20% left and she was like, “good enough I know you want out of here” LOL. She was really nice.

Honestly all of my medical/hospital experiences in the past have almost entirely been traumatic and this was the exact opposite. Maybe it was because I was loaded up on xanax and I had a nice nurse but the whole thing was actually… pleasant??

Grippy socks

Chase helped me change back into my clothes and then went to get the car while my nurse got my IV out and loaded up in a wheel chair. We got home and I was STARVING! I hadn’t been able to have anything eat since Tuesday morning, and Tuesday afternoon I had to do bowel prep so I was ON EMPTY. LOL My parents brought us some McDonalds.

Recovery so far has been fine. I had a “cue ball” pain pump thingie that was delivering pain meds directly into me. I’m glad for that but it was also really annoying, constantly under me while I was trying to sleep, the strap irritating my neck, and just having a tube taped to me all the time.

First full day my biggest complaint was the bloating from the gas they use. I felt like Violet from Willy Wonka. I read that walking helps, so I walked around the house for a while twice a day. Thursday night it finally started to release. Much better. Thankfully I never had it escape anywhere else like my shoulder; I heard from several people that the gas would travel up to their shoulder area and be really painful.

Ive just been camped on the couch. I tried to sleep in our bed the first night and it was too uncomfortable so I switched to the couch so I could have the back to lay up against. When I’m just sitting I feel normal, but then I get up and am reminded I just had surgery.

Yesterday was the worst, the pain pump was finally out of juice so we had to remove it. The nurse had said I wouldn’t feel a thing — BS! It hurt coming out and felt REALLY weird and freaked me out and I cried. But glad to have it gone and able to have a good shower.

Luna did not understand she could not sleep right on top of me.

She has enjoyed having me on the couch nonstop though.

Today I’m back at work but working from the couch because sitting in my chair is not a great angle. But Day 6 and still not having much, if any, pain. Any “pain” I’ve felt is just a mild twinge or soreness in the incision areas and nothing to write home about. I have my follow up on Thursday.

Biggest hiccup of the week though is that Chase wasn’t feeling good Wednesday, went to the doctor Thursday and was diagnosed with flu A. Of all the times to get the flu! So he’s been staying away from me unless I absolutely need him, and when he gets near me he’s masked and gloved/just washed hands.

So that’s all for this week. I did get my Troi fabric in but that’ll be a discussion point for next week when things are back to normal.

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