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Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget.

I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay.

Speaking of, here’s a recap of the photoshoot pics I’ve uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra:

I’m actually pretty shocked at how good this looks in photos, considering the state it was in when I got it out LOL

There’s still a lot of visible raw edges, glue, visible velcro and a whole ass hole in one of the boot covers but it’s not that in-your-face and I don’t think any of it is noticeable unless you’re looking for it.

It’s absolutely never going to be “con ready” again unless I heavily remake parts – which at that point, I might as well make the new She-Ra costume I’ve wanted to do for years.

Also I used my Valkyrie sword for the photos. The little gold plastic sword I used back in the day got cannibalized for my Fionna sword. So since it wasn’t accurate to start with, I figured substituting another plastic toy sword was acceptable LOL

AOA Shadowcat:

Of course I’ve already told you all about the travesty of the original suit shredding last week. Here’s the results with the tank top and leggings in it’s place LOL

Not perfect but it’s fine to get this one marked off the to-do list.

Also I did have to wear the belt higher up than I originally did, it didn’t fit at my hips anymore LOL

T’Lyn reshoot:

So as I mentioned in previous posts, I wasn’t happy with the November shots with the original wig. This is wig #2 (well technically wig #3 but wig #2 of ones I actually wore)

This wig is from Epic Cosplay Wigs. I trimmed out some of the wefts in the front to make room for my ears, though I think I need to trim a little more – it’s still not quite enough room and is forcing my ears “out” a little too much. I sewed a hairnet to my hairband to scoop the rest of the hair into to create the rounded look, and made the little sideburns out of loose wefts and sewed them in.

Still not super jazzed with the fit on the shoulders/armscyes but I am ABSOLUTELY NOT taking this thing apart again.

Luna is ready for her close up.

I finished my Rizzo jacket!! I love how it turned out and it came together so smoothly!!

The whole look. Got some little clip in space buns for the “ears” (my own hair will be wrapped around them, I just didn’t do it here), my shirt from redbubble, and the shoes I got. I also got brown shorts, they hadn’t arrived yet when I took this pic, but they are here now. I’m a bit irritated they dont have pockets, I didn’t put pockets in the jacket because I assumed my store-bought pants would have pockets, but i’ll survive.

She’s been mad because it’s cold.

I’ve been unsubscribing from mailing list shit the past week – why do companies go overboard over the holidays? Like I want to know about your sales, Joann, but I don’t need an email a day. I did appreciate the message from Viking River Cruises when I unsubscribed “Thank you for your preferences.” You’re welcome, Viking.

Forgot to show yall this mooncat Star Wars nail polish my parents got me – I can’t wait to try it out now that the photoshoots are over.

Been putting Christmas away. Luna thinks every box is for her. I’ve at least got it all upstairs now, all of the ornaments are packed away. Just gotta get the various other things packed up and everything back in the attic.

Originally we were going to do the last couple of shoots Sunday, but we ended up going to the Tiger game with my parents, so we finally did the last couple Monday night.

Reshooting Jedi Leia because I always hated how my braids looked in the first backdrop shoot I did with her. Also I have my actual Leia saber now so I wanted to shoot with that.

And we shot Boushh. I forgot to take a mirror pic of it. SOOO glad to finally have backdrop shots with a helmet! And Chase updated my blaster! Yay!

Putting it on I’m reminded of all the things I need to update.

1. New shoulder thingie, this one is way too heavy and also cracked.
2. New cummerbund, this one barely fits.
3. Redo undershirt/suede neck piece, it velcros right now and I hate that.
4. New tunic, this one has always been wonky.
5. Add waistband to the pants to help them fit better.
6. 3d print lighter belt boxes so it’s not always sagging due to the weight.

That’ll be the first round of updates. Then I may eventually redo the boots/spats and gloves and a new cape.

Anyway that’s it for me for now, this weekend is busy busy busy… hopefully anyway, we’re apparently going to get snow and I hope that doesn’t make us have to reschedule our eye doctor and hair appointments this weekend. I’m realllly hoping to get contacts before the trip. Dunno if it’s gonna happen, I may just have to be blind for a week LOL