a paperweight in shades of greige

Oh hi

Not much to report on this week.

I did put parts of Baylan and Shin on the dressforms to take some more pics. Gonna add a few of these to the construction page until I can get more pics of us IN the costumes.

Got all of Dragoncon put away. As I was carrying the last bit upstairs (the garment rack) it felt weird, like all this build up and then it was like it didn’t actually happen. Even though it did, it just felt like quick dream.

Decided to redo Chase’s closet this weekend. Went to ikea to get some stuff and got this little basket with cat ears for Luna.

She took to it immediately!

Had dinner over at Kevin’s

It’s rained nonstop the last few days which I have loved. Cozy.

My parents went to Nashville for a concert so we kept both Skye and Walker Sunday.

They’ve both been good. Chase took Skye to doggie daycare this morning and Walker is still with me, currently passed out under my chair.

I painted Chase’s closet last night while he assembled his new ikea shelf for the inside. We decided to do black, this is Sherwin Williams “tricorn black”:

It went on really well, only needed one coat, the only thing that made it take all day was painting all of the shelves and having to wait on them to dry to turn them to get the other sides.

It’s all done and tonight, we’ll start cleaning out his clothes and deciding what goes back in and what goes to the donation pile.

I have been thinking a little bit about future projects, but for now I’m going to focus on Shin and Baylan upgrades/finishing capes. I may pull my cape out this week and finish it since it’s assembled, just needed hemmed and distressed.

But also thinking about Disney-related projects. Not going to make a ton new, since I have new stuff from the cruise I haven’t worn in the parks yet, and I don’t know what the weather is going to be like for the week we’re going so I don’t want to commit to making something I then can’t wear LOL. But I do have ear ideas, I want to do new Padme ones, I think I have enough fabric scraps to make Tatooine ears happen (using what I cut off the cape plus scraps from the actual dress. I have some beads leftover too but dunno where I want to work them in.), and plenty of stuff for Taylor Ears too. I could do Shin ears, I have ideas, but would anybody get it? LOL

That reminds me, I had a dream I was in my Mara Jade costume last night trying to drive to Dragoncon but I’d forgotten half my costume and everytime I checked in on Chase and Kevin they were only halfway ready. Why am I having dragoncon stress dreams AFTER the fact? LOL

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