one day remains

Down to the wire here. The last week has been a roller coaster.

I have a new boss. His style is totally spiking my anxiety. 2 meetings today in the midst of trying to get ready to be out of town. I do not think he understand my job/position in the company. I’m going to have to deal with this when I get back.

(EDIT: I removed the paragraph about my grandpa not doing well and being in the hospital, because like literally 5 minutes after I posted it I got the call he has passed away. I was gonna go see him this afternoon. I’m not ok.)

But on to progress — tbh i can’t even tell where I left off from the last update.

I bought and styled a new wig for T’Lyn. It’s fine.

My Mara Jade wig did come in, but no pics. I cut the front and braided it. Once again I have to say I’m not buying from Wig is Fashion anymore, their wigs are a nightmare to style.

Packed my friendship bracelets. Here’s all the Leia related ones.

Finished up my Shin gaiters. I have spent the last several days sewing on velcro. I’m so over velcro.

Straps, D-rings, velcro. Blegh. (I just realized it’s not even pictured here, it was just me putting the shin armor on my gaiter, straps and d-rings and velcro came later LOL)

Put these little doo-dads on.

Also finished Chases’ gaiters. Do I have a pic? I might, but I had a little menty b on Saturday while working on these so who knows.

Saturday night/Sunday morning I packed everything but Shin and Chases’ stuff.

Sunday afternoon we finally got to try everything and see what didn’t work. I did not take a pic of Shin. But here’s Chase’s Baylan:

Gauntlets didn’t fit over our sleeves/gloves so Chase is redoing the closures on that. I had to take his sleeves in. Had to cut the excess length off both of our gloves (which was to my advantage on mine, I was able to rip the lining out at the same time so they’d at least be a little less hot to wear) and do a new tighter fitting extension on his so his skin wouldn’t show. Also had to sew more velcro on. More velcro and strapping for my knees and bicep armor. More snaps.

After dinner last night he worked on… something I dunno while I weathered parts of his costume. I think it turned out pretty nice.

We got lightsabers! Yay

So today a few more things to finish up, he’s got to finish fixing the gauntlets and do the strapping on the new parts of his Leto costume which he keeps going “meh” about doing but I’m gonna make it happen.

Then clean the house and finish packing. I just can’t wait to be laying in my hotel with all my costumes steamed and ready to go and CHILL for a few hours.

That’s all. Bye!

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