make the friendship bracelets

Whelp here we are about a week out and I am NOT DONE and not even the SLIGHTEST bit packed. Normally this point I’ve already packed the stuff that’s done/older costumes but I haven’t even gotten my bin out of the attic yet. I can’t even get excited about con because I’m still in panic mode.

I spent 3 days last week destroying my right arm to sew this cord onto the chevrons of the Baylan vest.

It has some fit issues, but it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be at this point. Thankfully most of the problem area will be covered by the obi/belt.

Spent a while making his gaiters.

Only to get the leather front pieces finished and realized the pattern has 6 chevrons and the 501st CRL calls for only 5. UGH. (He’s not submitting to the 501st but we are using the CRL as a reference).

Thankfully had enough leather left to recut with the center chevrons larger so it will still match up in height to the back pieces I’d already cut (did not have enough fabric to recut those.)

Spent all day yesterday on that. Then he mentions he wants this leather “trim” on all the edges after I already had one assembled. Couldn’t do it all without taking everything apart. So I did what I could. I hate how the “trim” looks, but its what he wanted, so oh well. I can’t remember the last time I’ve hated something I’ve made so much LOL I never want to see them again!

Saturday evening/Sunday morning I did some wig work.

Finally took my WIF Padme wig out of it’s partial up-do style and got some little bun pads made for the side and sewn in.

It’s done except the back ponytail. The back ponytail is in TERRIBLE shape. I really think I am done with WIF. I don’t find their quality worth the price or the wait. I’ve had better quality from cheap amazon wigs. I just combed the back of this through with my fingers to break up the curls, since Padme’s curls are not that “solid”, and put it in a basic ponytail to keep it out of the way while I worked on the front – and the whole thing turned into a giant, frizzy dry mess. The front pieces were also incredibly hard to style. I’ve got a new bottle of wig conditioner coming today so I’m hoping I can save the back ponytail without having to restyle the whole thing.

(Also there’s my finished tiara! Yay!)

Also tried on my Shin wig – decided to cut it a bit shorter, it was more like shoulder length on me. It’s really poofy and I don’t love it, the tracks are visible in places and overall I’m like, how much did I pay for this plus having it shipped from another country? I may replace it later down the line, we’ll see.

I also tried on my T’Lyn wig and decided I hate it and I ordered a new one. It was quick to cut and style so hopefully it goes smoothly a second time. I also hate my elf ears. I had an old pair of latex tips I never used because the latex on the back was too thin, I couldn’t get them on my ears without the latex folding, I may try adding a thin layer of air dry foam to them to stiffen them up? I don’t know. I’m tired.

Got my hair done Saturday so at least that’s one less thing to worry about.

Ok… to-do list:


-clean up teeth


Lady Jessica:

Seven of Nine:

Honeymoon Leia:
-try on with modded belt

Stevie Nicks:

Mara Jade:
-try on (THE WIG ARRIVED!! hallelujah)

-style new wig
-figure out ears
-magnets on badge
-try on

-try on

-finish wig
(not trying on, I’ve at least had the whole thing minus wig on already)

-add stones to braid
-chase is finishing belt
-attachments for shoulder armor and shin armor
-shorten kama? I think it’s a hair too long but want to see it with everything on

-make kama
-assemble kamas and tabards?
-attachments for shoulder armor
-chase is finishing belts

This is all do-able. I just… don’t feel like doing it. It’s a struggle.

I keep getting asked when I’m wearing what. I have no idea. I have hardly made plans. I’m going to end up wearing whatever I want whenever I want LOL

I am taking a long break after dragoncon. I’m going to make our Baylan and Shin capes for MCX and that’s it. Gonna give myself a month to do nothing LOL

Then I get to start thinking about disney trip outfits… oooh that’s fun.