you exist in the context

oh hi. It’s getting close to panic time for dragoncon.

A while back Jess made a comment about my the Taylor Swift game mastermind in relation to my dragoncon line-up – so I had to do my dragoncon line up that way:

Those 10 are pretty much confirmed. Left off the 2 unconfirmed for now. Here’s where we stand at the moment:

1. Seven of Nine with her updates from December
I need to clean up the last minute turtleneck I made after I lost the first one. TBH I’m not all that excited about wearing her again, but I want to with all the Trek guests coming. I’ll shoehorn her in sometime late at night.

2. Tatooine Padme
Of course, since most of my work this summer has been this costume. Chase has pretty much finished printing my tiara, he’ll be painting it soon and then I can style the wig around it. Got my stamp for the cape ordered last week. That’s all that’s left. I’m thinking I may leave the cape at home… even though it’s the whole reason I did the costume LOL

3. T’Lyn
Got my boots ordered. Should come in in early August and all I need to do is remove some cosmetic hardware and add the blue stripes. Chase is 3d printing my badge, and I need to style my wig. I’ve decided I’m just gonna use what ears I have. I don’t feel like paying $25+ for ear tips when I already have some that are “close enough.”

4. Taylor Swift
My boots are here and ready for beading! I’ll talk more about that below. Wig is also here – still need to buy fishnets to wear over my tights.

5. Shin Hati
I finally have some progress on Shin to show (down below), yay!

6. Honeymoon Leia
Still dunno what I’m going to do about the front panel. I think at this point I’m just going to leave it. Will prob wear this to the Leia shoot.

7. Stevie Nicks
Need to get a necklace and that’s it! I’m just gonna wear the same wig from the photoshoot, even though I said I wanted a new one. It’s fine for a late night costume.

8. Lady Jessica
Will prob just bring the walking boots and leave the crazy boots at home this year.

9. Scully
Of course, best late night costume I’ve had in a while

10. Ozma
Chase has fixed my crown! He’s painting it up and then I just need to reaffix the flowers and ribbons. I need to try on the dress I guess and make sure I can still get in it LOL The only place that matters is upper bust/right under my arms and I don’t think I’ve changed much there.

Ok and for the last 2 slots….

11. Nadja
Ok I said I wasn’t going to bring Nadja back, but now Chase is planning to do a new Laszlo look so I’m going to bring her back. I may leave the fangs at home. We’ll see.

12. Mara Jade
This one was pretty up in the air til Friday when I finally ordered the fabric. Chase has 3d modeled one of the shoulder pieces. So it’s probable at this point unless Baylan and finishing Shin takes way longer than I expect. I think it should be a pretty easy, quick build. I’m just going to reuse my jedi Leia boots and wraps and buy pants, so it’s just making the tunic, belt and other little accessories. I just really want to have a Mara to go with Chase as Luke!

Ok now let’s move on to actual updates.

Thursday I came downstairs after work to see this waiting for me at the front door.


So yeah I knocked over my adjustable form last year and some of the little plastic parts inside just shattered. Then a few months ago one of the adjuster knobs just broke and fell out. Oh boy. So I needed a new one.

(You know what’s weird? I got my first adjustable dressform in 2004, my second in 2014 and my third in 2024. So is 10 years the going life span for adjustable dressforms? LOL)

I haven’t adjusted her up to my size yet but it’s nice to have another one in the workroom.

My Taylor boots came in! I quickly got them painted so Chase could seal them this weekend and they’d ready for stoning today.

I spent most of the week on my Shin vest:

I really enjoyed working with the Sionnach Studios pattern.

It went together really nicely and fits really nice too from what I can tell so far.

I really shouldve taken a pic of it on me but I’ll have one next week. It’s “done” except the zipper in the back – had to order one and it’ll be here today.

Then I’ve got to do the weathering and stitching on each of the chevrons. Originally I bought trim for that, but after seeing it finished, I thinking finishing it the way the Sionnach Studios’ pattern calls for (going around each edge with embroidery floss) will look more the way I want. I am going to test it out on the back first before I commit. Chase bought the closures for the back and is dealing with those.

I did also finish my pants. I’m thinking about spraying some diluted bleach on them and over-dyeing them in some grey dye just to break up the solid black a bit.

I got my base boots painted:

I’m going to make and add the center quilted stripe. Dunno that I’ll make it go all the way up, most of it is hidden by the boot spats.

My goal yesterday was to make the undershirt start to finish but alas, I discovered I did not have any quilting batting leftover from Vader. Coulda sworn I did, but couldn’t find it. So I had to order that and it’ll be here tuesday. I got the pieces cut at least.

Saturday we ran some errands and even though I keep saying I’m not gonna buy this kind of stuff anymore, I got suckered in by the Retro minibrands.

This tiny spray bottle of Armor All is perfect for my Star Wars dolls LOL

Ok now the to-do list…

-install zipper
-test embroidery floss over edges
-do the embroidery floss over all edges if I like it?
-weather vest and pants
-assemble shirt
-make skirts (fabric arrives tomorrow – needs dyed)
-finish altering boots
-make boot spats
-finish cape/weather
-try on wig/add jewels to braid

Chase is handling all of the “hard” parts but once that’s done I’ve also got to figure out how everything will connect.

-alter boots
-style wig

-try on wig, make sure looks ok
-buy fishnets
-stone boots

-paint headpiece
-style wig
-stamp design on cape

-do i want to try to flip the honeymoon leia front panel or not???
-buy stevie necklace
-fix 7 of 9 turtleneck

And Baylan and Mara Jade… everything really! But sewing-wise:

Baylan cape
Baylan vest
Baylan undershirt
Baylan kama/skirts
Baylan spats
Mara Jade tunic

My main goal this week is hopefully finishing both Taylor boots and the bulk of Shin. Then August can be mostly Baylan and finishing touches on everything else.

I just had the stupidest idea. You know those fabric shavers people use to remove pilling? I wonder if that would work on my Honeymoon Leia to at least clean it up a little?? I REALLY don’t want to remove that panel at all, the more I have to unpick the more damage it does to that fabric. If I could get the worst of the damage off I think it’d be passable?

See, the most obvious part is the parts that have been pulled “out.” There would still be the runs in the fabric, but if I could get the most 3d part of it removed, I think it’d at least be passable?

Because the pulled up parts are really the most noticeable.

I’d absolutely test this on one of my scraps first. But if I could at least get the worst off, wear it to dragon, and then after con I could look at dyeing replacement fabric to make a new front panel entirely?

Deep thoughts…