lingering in the ocean blue

So for the past few months, Luna has decided her sleeping spot is my underbed storage container. It’s soft-sided thing from ikea and I keep like my swimsuits and tights and stuff I don’t need often in it, and I left it unzipped and she claimed it. She’s always gone through phases of where she sleeps, she’ll sleep in her cat condo for a month, then the back of the couch for a month, but this underbed storage container has been going on since at least April. She sleeps in there all day, gets up to beg for dinner, once she gets dinner she chills with us for a couple of hours. Then once she realizes there will be no second dinner, she goes back to “bed”. She sleeps til around 4am and then wants out of the bedroom. She spends the morning in the sun spots and then goes back to “bed” sometime midday. Nice life.

After a marathon of work last weekend I feel like I didn’t get much done in the last week.

I finally transitioned over to working on Baylan and Shin. Well, Shin anyway.

I got the cape cut out.

And messed it up, cut it out wrong, thankfully was able to save it because I had cut it a little long so I had room to work around the mistake.

Thought I had some brown satin in my stash to line the hood with – I could see it so clearly in my mind! But couldn’t find it. Found stuff I could’ve dyed, but I my dye pot dyed so I don’t have anything to do poly dye in. So off to the fabric store. Got the hood lined, had to tweak the shape a little.

This wool is SO FREAKING THICK. It’s an absolute pain to work with. I wish I’d gotten something else. Maybe sometime in the future I replace this, because the seams are just chunky AF and the hood gathering it nuts. Trying to finish the hood edge was a nightmare that took nearly a whole day. Glad the new bernette can handle thick seams. Also as you can tell EVERYTHING sticks to the fabric.

I still have to hem the sides. Not going to hem the bottom since I’m just going to be cutting it up and weathering it.

I also made quite possibly the most boring thing ever:

My Shin pants. They’re just… pants. Normally I’d just buy something like this, but I wanted it to be really lightweight cotton since I’m going to be smothering in everything else. But I was reminded why I hate actually having to read and follow pattern instructions, it makes me feel like I don’t know how to read and comprehend words LOL

But the pants are done except finishing the waistband on the inside and hemming the bottom — I’m going to wait to hem the bottom until I have the boots/spats made, because I feel like the pants might be a little wide through the leg and might need taking up. Want to do that first and then hem if I’m going to have to do it.

So that’s all I got done this past week. Next up I’m feeling spicy so I may start on the vest tonight. Gotta get my mockup from APRIL out and reacquaint myself with it.

While hunting for the non-existent brown satin, I did pull out the lavender fabric from the honeymoon leia costume — and I don’t think it’s a big enough piece to replace the front panel. I am going to get the dress out and see, but I’m like 95% sure it’s not wide enough. So that leaves me with either trying to flip it, or leaving it. At the moment I’m considering just leaving it.

My parents went out of town Friday and Walker stayed with us overnight.

She was a good girl! I got my outside dye swimming pool out and filled it up to see if she wanted to play in it (because it is a puppy pool. It’s got little bones all over the bottom of it LOL) but she wasn’t interested.

Luna was NOT happy

But we did celebrate Luna’s 10th birthday. She got her own little piece of salmon, her favourite. Well, her favourite except for junky Sheba wet food. She gets Sheba when her RX food from chewy is late, and it was late this weekend. So she had Sheba once and from that point on it’s ALL SHE WANTED.

I think that’s all for this week. Maybe by next week I’ll have my Shin vest finished and be feeling good? Maybe?? Yes no??