hello world

Ok quick post today because I need to get back to work and also because I apparently destroyed my thumb sewing last night and I’m still in pain today and it hurts to type.

I started stoning the boots last week:

End of Monday:





You can’t tell in the Friday photo but the stones go all around the foot area up around the ankle on the right boot.

So I think I’m a little over halfway done. I thought I’d take about a week so I definitely estimated low on that, I think I’ll be done this week.

I spent last week finishing up the Shin vest – the zipper is in and that actually took 2 nights of work because it was difficult. Then I finally got the undershirt started and finished Saturday. Wednesday my skirt/kama fabric came in so I got that dyed. Saturday I got it cut and partially assembled. Here’s everything as of Sunday morning:

I need to clean up the skirts a little bit but I’m not hemming or finishing them at all, just leaving the unfinished edge. They’re sewn around a bias tape waistband. I also got the tabards made, and I’ve been doing embroidery floss on the edge of those – that’s what destroyed my hand last night, I only did one edge! And it wasn’t like I was going through a lot of fabric! I hope this is not arthritis LOL

Yesterday I got my gaiters mostly put together.

Having the worst time with this Sionnach Studios pattern though. There’s no photo guide for it so I don’t understand what the instructions are telling me to do half the time. Last night I gave up trying to comprehend and just put it together the way I thought it should go together – but not happy with this, I’ve got a different plan of attack tonight, just need to rewind and redo part of this.

Really hoping to have that and the skirts/kamas finished by wedneday. That was my goal, to have Shin mostly finished by end of July, so I can focus on Baylan next month. I think I’ll get there. There will still be a few things to do, like finishing hemming my cape, doing the embroidery floss on my vest pleats, weathering, but it’ll mossssstly be done.

My fabric for Mara arrived and I don’t like it šŸ™ It looks brown. So I’m returning it and ordered something different. And my wig still hasn’t shipped. I ordered it a week ago. The universe is conspiring against me doing this costume at the moment.

But in good news, my stupid plan for fixing the snags on my Honeymoon Leia dress actually worked.
Here’s the before of the snags on the front panel:

And here’s the after:

I used one of those electric fabric shavers. Worked great!!! So glad this worked so well and that’s one major thing off my todo list now that I don’t have to replace the front panel.

That’s all for today, here’s my to do list for the rest of the week:

1. Finish stoning boots
2. Finish tacking lining in on Taylor jacket

1. If my boots come in this week, get the stripes added

1. Test out stamp when it arrives – plan to do the stamping this weekend?

1. Finish gaiters as much as I can
2. Make the quilted piece for the boots
3. Hem undershirt
4. Finish tabards
5. Sew tabards onto waistband, add closure
6. Embroidery floss on vest
7. Start weathering pieces this weekend?

1. Undershirt start to finish
2. Find original vest mockup and try it on Chase
3. Cut vest pieces??

Also saw Deadpool and Wolverine Friday, it was hilarious. Loved it.