you’re a loony

Oh my gosh I have a ton to post today. So let’s start at the beginning.

Tuesday we took Kevin to see Inside Out 2. He did his best Mr Bean impression while wearing a tiny hat at Huey’s.

And then he posed with Wolvy and Deadpool.
We wanted to take a group picture with this after the movie but there were people just sitting on it like a park bench, boo.

Inside Out 2 was good, really enjoyed it. Did not enjoy the baby crying behind us the entire movie.

I got some more work done on the Lower Decks uni – got the collar and yoke sewn on and the whole thing pressed. I started to cut the lining layers out of some scrap fabric, but didn’t quite have enough, so I had to order another yard. It came on Saturday so I’ll be able to do that this week. But hey there’s the pants that go with it too that I also made.

While waiting on my new lining fabric, I went back to Padme and started taking out the hem of the disney cape. I got the hem marked but that’s about it so far. Interestingly, while I was taking it apart, I noticed that one of the seams of the lining looked weird. Upon closure inspection it looks like somebody messed up while serging the interior seam and it sort of pinched the whole thing for about the last 6 inches of the length. So I’m goign to undo all that and fix it because it’s ugly.

Friday I committed to costume #3 for dragoncon.

I’ve been thinking about making Taylor Swift’s Lavender Haze outfit from the Eras tour since I saw it. But I was hesitant due to the cost for the faux fur and new boots, and whole new wig, etc etc. But I just kept thinking about it. So I committed, bought the sequin fabric online and it came last week, and bought the fur at joann friday. The fur might be a little bit less saturated than hers, but I love it. My intention is for the jacket to be something I can wear with normal clothes during the winter (because I have also been obsessed with the idea of an oversized fun color faux fur jacket since trying on a “cookie monster blue” one in NYC in december) and I love this color for that.

Saturday was a long busy day but I’ll talk about Saturday day at the end because I have a photo dump to do.

Saturday night, I traced a tshirt of mine onto some scrap fabric to get a basic shape for the sequin t-shirt dress:

Edited the shape, length and sleeve shape a bit in the mockup stage.

And then Sunday I DUG IN.

I didn’t take a single pic all day until late in the afternoon when I was like “oh I should be taking pictures of this for the blog” LOL

But Sunday morning I got the lining cut, got the sequin layer(s) cut (ended up doing 2 layers of the sequin fabric because 1 didn’t look dense enough). Basted the 2 layers of each sequin piece together. Sewed the lining layer together, sewed the sequin layer together. Got the lining and sequin layer sewn together at the bottom hem. Flipped it out through the armholes to sew the collar areas together. Shoulder seams sewn together. Ran into a stumbling block with the sleeves – I had taken up the shoulder seams a bit during construction and then the sleeves didn’t fit right anymore, so I had to tinker a bit to get them sewn in. But got that done, got the zipper in. I think I worked solid from around 9:30ish to 3pm, just taking a break for lunch.

Sometimes it’s just nice to make something straight forward that doesn’t require a lot of brain power LOL
It’s done except I need to hand-sew the top of the zipper down.

And here it is with the jacket fabric. Tonight I’m going to pull a couple of patterns I think might work as a base and do a mockup, cuz even with a coupon this fabric was expensive and I’m not messing it up.

I will need to do all the beading on the jacket before I can install the lining layer – was really hoping maybe I could finish the bulk of sewing this week, but alas, I gotta do those beads first because I don’t want the thread visible through the lining layer. I’m hoping I have some beads in my stash that will work.

Then we met my parents for dinner, stopped for ice cream on the way home.

I can’t remember if I said it in previous posts, but I’ve been making friendship bracelets for dragoncon:

Current count is 136. I think I’m aiming for 250. I plan to get some little baggies to put some of them to hide for swag and seek.

So now Saturday day – mom, Ash and I went to see the Christian Siriano exhibit at Brooks!

It was a really wonderful exhibit.

My only beef with the exhibit is that I wish the information cards in front of each garment had more construction information on them. More info about the materials used, yardage, etc. The most we got was a single word of fabric type. Also – from photos I thought the ruffles he commonly uses were chiffon or organza, but they almost all (maybe all?) an extremely fine tulle. Brain’s going into overload thinking about that for future projects…

So cool! I’m glad they had most of them displayed in a way you could get right up on them to really see the details.

Obsessed with the gradient


Worn by Taylor Swift herself!

Lizzo – this one was SO sparkly


In a sideroom they had a whole little workshop area with little dressforms and fabric pieces kids could use to drape their own dresses. And a little runway! So cute!

HERE is my whole gallery if you want to see everything – I only posted a few favs.

When I daydream about having a costume exhibit of my own, it’s always in this space, so it was neat to see garments being displayed here like this. Now I have a more solid way to daydream about this LOL