the struggle is real

Here we are again on another Monday morning. Today has been a very monday monday already.

Feeling better about Padme. Got a bunch done this weekend.

I think I’ve said about 5 times now that the top is done, but everytime I put it on, I find another place that needs tacked. It’s currently sitting with about 3 pins in it for places that need to be tacked down. I also need to press the bottom edge of the top so it stays in place.

This project is so far from perfect. The fabric runs really easily so I’ve got runs. The piping I got “shatters” everytime I pin goes through it and pushes little silver filaments out and I have to go trim everytime I get a pin or needle anywhere near them. It’s just going to be what it’s going to be.

I ordered some clear beads for the front. Hoping I can get the black beads and the beads for the hood locally, but waiting to see if what I ordered is the right size.

Saturday we went to a new bakery near us! It was yummy!

The “finished” top

Also Saturday I got this Marion Ravenwood pop at target for a $1. Sweet, that’s another one for my “pops of my costumes” collection.

Yesterday progress. The top wasn’t fully closed – I can’t do it by myself and Chase was outside. But skirt progress yay! I got the lining sewn in, the zipper in, and started pinning the hem. I finished getting the hem trimmed and it’s pinned and ready to be sewn in place. I plan to do that today. Then focus on the little pleated front panel.

So my Padme to-do list is:
1. Hem skirt
2. Finish pleated front panel/attach
3. Do tacks on top
4. Research stamp stuff for the cape
5. Wait on beads
6. Hem cape

Yay! Hoping this weekend it’s done enough I can feel good enough to move on to T’Lyn. I got my wig and some maybe-ears in the mail Saturday. Wig is good, ears are meh. May have to buy something else. All my old elf ears are discoloured and have hardened up over time! It’s probably been 20 years since I bought new ears!