puppies & sewing

I have a lot of puppy content. Let’s get to it.

Walker stayed with us last Monday from around 8 in the morning to about 3 the next day. My parents were out of town for a concert and she’s too little to stay at doggie daycare yet like Skye did.

She slept most of the day Monday and Tuesday, until I got off work Monday and then we played hard for like 2 hours LOL. Here’s a really good sploot she displayed chasing one of the the cat toys under the cat scratcher.

Eventually she totally konked out on the couch between me and Chase.

I set up our suitcases to block off the living room so she had free roaming in there, with Luna having our bedroom/dining room/kitchen/laundry room to herself. I did take her food and litter box into our room just in case she didn’t feel confident going “around” the puppy, but she really wasn’t all that concerned with Walker. She didn’t LIKE the puppy, but at one point I sat down in the entry way with Luna and was brushing her with her favourite brush, and 2 feet away Walker was jumping up and down on the suitcases blocking the door and barking, and Luna just looked at her and hissed and went right back to purring and rolling around while I brushed her. That was their only real interaction. She did mostly stay in our bedroom but did venture out into the other parts of the house. I think if we had them here together for a week, Luna would still not really like it but I think they would be a begrudging peace between them.

I slept in the living room on the couch that night to stay with Walker. I put her to bed in her kennel and she cried and cried for ages. Finally I got her out and pulled her up on the couch with me and she settled down and slept for a few minutes, but then got restless. I had set her kennel up in such a way that she was trapped in the area right between the couch and our coffee table, but she could go into the kennel. So I set her on the floor and she just walked straight into her kennel and went to sleep, and slept there no problems for the rest of the night until Chase got up.

She slept pretty much all the next day while I worked until my parents picked her up a little after 3.

Yesterday we went over to my parents for a Memorial Day cookout.

Ok that concludes our puppy segment.

I do think Luna was overall a little anxious last week even after Walker went home.

One night she slept under my pink dress upstairs in my sewing room. All of the other nights she has slept under our bed – she hasn’t done that since her whole bladder stone thing back in 2021. But she’s not freaking out like she was in 2021, it just seems to be her current “spot.”

Shoutout to Jess for getting me these Amidala ears on May 4th. I tried but was like 17,000 something in line right at 10 on the dot. I gave up and a couple of minutes later Jess told me she got 2 pairs! YAY!
I need to get some more ear holders. I’ve also got a few other things to hang on the disney stairs so that’s just on the to-do list for sometime soon.

Friday we met our friends David & Jecca of Seeking Beyond Paranormal who were doing a GHOST HUNT at an old house here in town. I was completely nerding out while Chase did a photoshoot with them in front of the house LOL I can’t wait to see the results of their investigation!

Ok so now let’s move on to sewing updates. I was really hoping to get a LOT done this weekend with it being a solid 3 days I got to work.

First up, I took the skirt apart. The lining had been basted in just so see how it looked, so I took that out, and I removed the stitches I did on the side seams to hold them in place while I worked. Turns out I shouldn’t have done that. I had done those holding stitches on the machine since my hand-stitches were holding, and trying to take all those machine stitches out was a disaster. I ended up with a bunch of holes and had to redo the side seams entirely to move in a bit to get rid of the holes. Thankfully I could do that since the skirt was a little big.

I decided to leave it at that for a bit and get the top assembled.

I got the lining layer put together. Then got the main outer layer put together and attached to the lining at the bottom. Got the zipper in. It’s not perfect but it’s not going to be visible so as long as it’s functional, who cares. Started on the cape. Got the cape pieces sewn together. Trimmed out seam excess. Pressed. Sewn onto shoulder seam of top. Shoulder seams closed. I was about to baste the cape around the armholes when I looked up and saw my roll of piping staring at me.

I forgot the damn piping.

So I spent Saturday afternoon very carefully taking apart the cape and it’s lining (to avoid the problems i encountered with removing stitches from the skirt), cleaning it up, and basting the piping in.

Then I basted the lining back in. Then very very very slowly sewed them together.

Pressed it all again, sewn to the top again, and I’m back to where I started at the beginning of the weekend LOL

I have one side of the cape machine sewn in place around the armhole. Will do the other side tonight, and get the sleeves sewn on as well.

Once that’s done I can start on the hood/front wrap sections. That’s going to be tricky because I didn’t have enough fabric to fully line the hood to embed the piping on the edges, so my plan is to make a facing out of the scraps I have left. I may have to do some piecing, but it’s whatever. I’ll make it work.

You know what, I’m going to shoot big. My goal this week is to finish the top entirely (minus stamping the design on the cape – aiming for sewing to be finished). I doubt that’ll happen but I’m gonna try. I really want to move on to other projects at this point, I feel like I’ve been messing with this Padme costume for months at this point. It’s almost June and I’ve got at least 3 other costumes to make.

In other news, we saw Furiousa Sunday night. It was good! I’ve also been catching up on Rupaul’s Drag Race. I haven’t watched since season 10 in 2018. So that’s been fun.