I really don’t have much to post today, no real costume updates to mention. This past week has mostly just been slowly packing, and helping Chase finish up Vader:

He finally got to try it all on last night.

The only thing that didn’t work was his shinguards, so after this pic we replaced the strapping with something different that worked better.
He’s worried the head is too big and already has plans to redo the whole helmet after dragoncon. I think it’s fine because it’s a cartoon (he specifically did Rebels Vader), but we are all our own worst critics.
We finally formed our vampire fangs last night too. That was… interesting. I’ve been really worried about doing this because I don’t have normal teeth. After a childhood of having multiple adult teeth removed because my mouth was too small, having braces my entire teen years plus 2 oral surgeries to pull my impacted canine teeth down which didn’t work right and then veneers as an adult… I really didn’t know how this was gonna work. I had to redo one of them twice trying to get it in a spot that at least looked normal without getting too close to my veneers. And I think they look stupid but Chase said they look fine. We’ll see if I end up actually wearing these or not.
We bought a new cooler after talking about it for years.

I also got a new garment bag – when I went with Cat to pick up her wedding dress and saw that david’s bridal garment bag… I had to have one. Finally went back and got one – it was $30 but worth the splurge. It’s long enough that nothing wads up in the bottom and wide enough that I currently have 5 hanging costumes plus my panniers in it. Still had space for more but at this point’s so heavy I dont want to add anymore! LOL
Also made the determination that this year we are taking more costumes than we have ever taken. Previous record holder for that honor was 2007 when I took 13 and Chase took 3 for 6 total. This year I’m taking 12 and Chase is taking SEVEN. SEVEN! What’s got into him. So packing up his 2 armor costumes and loading the car is going to be interesting.
Oh yeah, 12 costumes. It was 11 up to last week and I was already mad at myself for going over 10. But now it’s 12 as of Friday, because I mean Cat and I are getting our pics with Elijah Wood and Sean Astin so I gotta bring something LOTR right?? I laid awake Friday morning trying to figure out of I could finish up my half-baked hobbit costume idea in a weekend (I’ve had a shirt and skirt I’ve wanted to mod for that for ages and just never have). But I decided to just bring Arwen, she’s not a lot to pack, and I’m not gonna put myself thru the stress of trying to make the hobbit thing work at the last minute.
Got our hair done yesterday. Yay! It’s going to match all of my Leia extensions well. Padme…. hmmm I dunno about Padme LOL It’s gonna be what it’s gonna be.
Oh Saturday I went swimming again, the sunscreen I ordered specifically for this weekend ended up being late and i was mad about it. But tried mom’s and it worked good, no reaction. So that’s good. I was going to take Kevin with me because he loves swimming but when I called him to wake him up and have him get him ready, I said “You wanna go swimming?” He said “Hmmmm I’m good.” LOL I said “Why don’t you want to go swimming?” He said he just didn’t feel like it. And that’s a real answer for him (he usually says “I don’t know”) so I accepted defeat and went without him and just hung out with the moms instead.

So anyway let’s talk who where when what.
I miiiiiiiight throw something on Wednesday night? No idea what but we’ll see.
Thursday —
I’m gonna put on the 18th century “barbie” in the afternoon. Will probably where something different after that, but dunno what.
Friday —
Wedding Leia for the Leia shoot, maybe Trek dress for dealer’s room away mission, Breha and Bail for the Star Wars shoot
Satuday —
Trek dress in the AM for SNW photo op
Arwen for Elijah/Sean photo op that evening only, putting it on just for that then changing
Sunday —
Padme for Padme panel
Things I don’t have a solid plan for:
Nadja and Laszlo – not sure, maybe Thursday night? Saturday night? Thought about leaving the star wars shoot early and changing into them for the WWDITS shoot but not sure we have time. We’ll see.
Rebels Leia and Vader – meeting up with Jess as Hera, not sure when we’re doing that.
Seven of Nine – no idea. Probably a late night or dealer’s room costume because it’s easy to get around in.
Flashback Leia – again, no idea, might be the late thursday night costume.
Scully – waaaaaaaay late night costume like find me wearing this at 1AM sunday morning laying in the bottom of the hilton.
Lady Jessica/Duke Leto – we are on the fence about wearing these, but we’re gonna try to bring them (if space is too tight when loading the car, we’re leaving Leto). It may be a sunday morning let’s throw them on thing. I really want to wear them again but the schedule just feels so packed as it is.
All right well that’s it. I’ll be back next week with pics and probably covid LOL