Guess what! I actually come to you today with sewing updates. It’s not a LOT to show but I did get a good amount done and it’s making me feel good about at least having the dress done by next weekend. Note I said dress, not costume… lol
I FINALLY got the back floral pieces cut. That’s kinda why I kept delaying this, I was a little scared to cut it even though it was pretty straight forward. I marked out the areas I wanted to cut out, sat with it for a day, then couldn’t find my heated xacto so I sat with it another day, then finally got it cut out friday night. Didn’t take long. I cauterized any edges that seemed like they might want to fray and then pinned it on.

Saturday I sat down to sew it on and immediately remembered I ran out of matching thread back in december. So a quick trip to walmart later I finally started sewing it on. Allllmost had it finished yesterday, will finish it up tonight.

Tho this one panel is not all I’m doing – but it is the largest. I didn’t want to cut and position anything else til I got this big piece sewn on. So when that’s done I’ll go back to what’s left of the fabric and start cutting out smaller pieces to add to it – mostly the smaller vine pieces. I want to add some more vertically at the center back, and then also more along the bottom hem. If I like how that looks I Miiiiiiiiiight remove the ribbon from the sleeve lining (don’t love how it looks) and replace it with vines.
Once all that is done all that’s left is finishing the ribbon belt. Yay.
So yeah like I said above, finishing the DRESS not the costume – I still haven’t found boots I like. I do have a pair that has the shape I want, but they’re the wrong colour and I’d have to make some pretty extensive boot covers. I think I’d rather just keep looking to find something closer.
Also still need to get a wig.
Anyway not much else to report on this week. Mostly playing star wars lego. Had a get-together last night, that was fun. thinking about having kevin over next weekend for gaming & pizza weekend. Dunno, we’ll see.
OH! I did pull the trigger on some velour for a Star Trek TOS skant. You’ll have to wait and see what division colour I got. I have no idea if it is going to look right or not – the site did offer swatches, but with $10 shipping!! No way!! So since the fabric was $9/yard anyway, I just went ahead and bought 2 yards instead of swatch, so we’ll see what I get. It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow.