Whoo! It’s been a busy few days!
First up, we finished the new tombstones! Gravestones? Headstones. What is the best term. I like Tombstones best.

And we got some lights for night time.
Thursday was the Pink Palace event. After work I decided I had time to take a quick nap before I got ready. Took my nap, went to start doing my makeup and for the second time could NOT get my white makeup to cooperate. I think it’s time to start looking for another option or take some time to experiment. I had to wipe it all off and start over 3 times? I think 3? So frustrating and it made me later than I wanted to be there. Not late, thankfully, but I’d wanted to get there early and instead I got there right on time LOL And I had to drive myself, in the Amidala wig, in the rain. It was stressful LOL
Here’s some pics I stole.

And some pics Chase took.

Queen Armadillo or whatever

Ash and I’s fav exhibit
The Pink Palace has changed so much! It was neat to see it all!

I have wanted to go up these stairs forever. And now that area is open and I finally got to do it LOL
Friday night and Saturday morning I recorded some tiktoks but I’ll talk about that later. Chase had his yearly inventory, the one weekend he has to work on HALLOWEEN WEEKEND. So I just entertained myself recording stuff, then doing laundry, cleaning up the house, etc. He finally got home around 6 saturday night.

We went down to Cooper Young for dinner and drinks dressed as Burt Macklin and Janet Snakehole.
And when we got home Chase actually recorded some tiktoks with me LOL
Sunday he had to work in the morning, but Ash came over and we talked about her Disney plans because her dining book window starts tuesday. Then we went to the Disney Archives exhibit again!

You were supposed to get a pin if you dressed up Halloween weekend but we did not get a pin. Wasn’t too bothered by it because my whole reason for going was….

Get my pics with the ghosts!

Chase got pics on the “real” camera too but I don’t have those yet. So here’s just an iphone pic.
I kinda thought about using my own hair that day just to make it more comfortable and I wish I had tried it. I just don’t like that wig on me.
They did have some photo-ops set up and we got this pic of us.

Chase was a penguin.
Came home, got changed, turned on all the decorations.

I put on Merida. I really wanted to put on wanda but it’s not a lounge-around kind of costume. I mean it’s not uncomfortable, but Merida is way more comfy for sitting around waiting on trick or treaters.

Ate dinner. Got a couple of trick-or-treaters and I was worried that would be it. But right before 8 we got a bunch! Used up all the candy by like 8:15 and had to turn the lights off.
My fav costume of the night was a little boy who had to be about 6, wearing a white shirt, a hat, and a single glove. He asked if I knew who he was and I said “who are you” – he very proudly told me he was Michael Jackson. He was so proud of it it seemed like something he’d put together himself.
Several knew I was Merida so that was fun.
In other news…

I think I’m going to sell my first Crait Leia robe. I was holding onto it thinking about turning it into a disneybound (cutting it off at the knee) but I don’t think I’m ever going to get to it. I took some pics of it to list it prob on etsy.
And my Utena fabric arrived Saturday!! I can finally get started on this after talking about it for 2 months LMAO
First thing I want to do is do a duct tape dummy and pattern this thing exactly the way I want it. So I’ll do that this week, hopefully tonight? I’ve also already got my lining material so I think I’m ready to go. I may need some interfacing tho. We’ll jump in and see.
I also made some weird decisions this weekend.
I did a Huttslayer dressing video. Even though I don’t feel all that comfortable in it anymore. But I thought i’d try. I’m all around larger than I was last time I wore it in 2012 and I was uncomfortable in it in 2012. But I think I’m overthinking it. I was being stabbed in the boob by the broken part of the top the ENTIRE time which wasn’t fun LOL. But I’ll post more of it sometime soon.
Speaking of, the latest in my battle with tiktok. I think I’ve been “shadowbanned” since posting my Diane dressing video last week. I say shadowbanned with quotes because I’m not actually shadowbanned (which would be NOBODY seeing my videos) – I’m still getting views. But none of my videos since then are getting on the For You Page, so I’m only getting like maybe 200-500 views on my videos. I didn’t think it could get worse but it did LOL. Pretty sure it’s because I had a fake cigarette in my Diane video.
Posted one of the videos Chase and I did Saturday night and our making-of-the-tombstones video on Sunday and both completely bombed, which bummed me out. No FYP reach at all. I’ve decided I’m not posting anything new until I see that they’re reaching the FYP. Even though i’ve got a TON of new stuff in my drafts from filming this weekend.
No big, it just means I get to stretch the content further while I focus on Utena.
Ok going to go list my Crait Leia robe now. Until next time.