Actually it was a very-Monday Sunday too. But work has been vicious today and I’m already over it.

Luna did not make this mess. I did, she only sat in the middle of it.
I’m a bit stuck on Utena at the moment. Got nothing done this weekend except I cut out the sleeves and collar. I spent about 3 nights last week pleating the underskirt, deciding it was too long, trimming it, re-pleating it, deciding it was too long, trimming it, re-pleating it, deciding it was too long, trimming it… rinse and repeat.

It was still too long here.
I think I’ve finally got it about right at this point, but at this point I really want to get more of the jacket shaped out, and I don’t feel like I can do that until I have the red fabric I’m using for the trim. I finally bought it yesterday, hoping it arrives later this week?

Really liking the silhouette of the new one so far.
I did find enough white fabric in my stash for cuffs/white pieces, so maybe I’ll work on those cuffs this week. I was also going to go ahead and work on the shoes, because I had some I bought back in 2019 that would work great… but when I got them out, i decided they were too cute to cover up and decided to keep them for myself LOL. So I’m going to see if I can find something else.
Saturday was a busy day.

We said goodbye to the old SHIELD-mobile. We got it in 2011, it’s served us well.

Chase’s new ride! This will be SO much better for long distance driving (ie, disney, dragoncon) than the Honda Fit.
It is a Lincoln MKX. So far I have suggested the names “MK Ultra” and “Red 5” but I dunno that Chase likes either LOL
Of course car-buying process took hours so that was most of Saturday, and after that we needed to go clothes shopping for Chase because he needed new pants, so we went to the mall. Long day. We ended up just grabbing fast food for dinner and I got home with the wrong sandwich which sucked. I only mention that as a precursor to Sunday.
Sunday we were up pretty early because of Luna. She has not adjusted to daylight savings and was up at sunrise wanting breakfast. So we got on up and decided to go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast because we haven’t been in forever. The parking lot was mostly empty because it was so early – walked into a line nearly out the door of people waiting to be seated. Overheard the guy at the register say they only had 2 servers and no hostess, so we left.
We went and tried a new place, Big Bad Breakfast, which was really good, so I’m glad we didn’t end up at Cracker Barrel.
After that we ran some errands, and then came back home deal with yard work. We’re trying to stay on top of the leaves in the front yard this year, so we’re raking every weekend. Got a new rake that helped.

Also I saw these at Target and wanted them but did not get them so I took a picture as a consolation LOL
But after all that, I was SO tired by like 1. Took a nap. Woke up with a woozy head. Tried to work on my Christmas stocking project with Chase, but didn’t feel like it and Chase was also feeling exhausted so we shelved that for the moment.
Chase went down to cook dinner, decided he was too tired and asked if I wanted to go out to eat. I said yes. But he wanted to like call people up and meet them somewhere for dinner and I was too tired for “peopling.” So we switched it to getting take out. I was pretty open to anything so Chase just kept looking through menus of local places. Finally he decided we do a drive-through instead of take out, but it’s one of our fav local places.
So as we’re driving there in the new car it starts popping up with errors on the dashboard. Lovely. We get to the drive through, get in line, only for the person in the car in front of us to get out, come to our window, and ask us to back up “they’re totally out of (food item), we want to get out of line”. So we got out of line too since that particular item is what Chase had wanted.
Decided we try their other location. Drove over there. Car still showing errors on the dash (up to 3 errors by now) and Chase is beyond frustrated. We get in line at the other location, and get left sitting at the order intercom for 20 minutes. Finally place an order and they’re out of the same thing as the other location AND coke products. So we leave.
We ended up just going to McDonalds. Got our food, checked it – they included the nugget sauce but left out the nuggets. WHAT A DAY OF FOOD PROBLEMS LMAO
After dinner the two of us just laid on the couch. Chase dozed off, I read. Then he just randomly turned on Enchanted and I just totally got sucked in to it. LOL I hadn’t seen it in a while.
So now today Chase took the new car back over to the dealer – it’s still under warranty so it’s hopefully getting fixed. Fingers crossed.
I leave you with an eyelash vending machine I saw at the mall.