That’s me today. Because I found these shoes for my disneybound Leia and they were too dang expensive and there’s no way I’m spending that much but now everything else I look at is just (me crying thinking about the jordans).

I think what I’m going to do is find some cheap plain white high tops and just do some silver vinyl rebel symbols for them on my silhouette.
Anyway. Not much in the way of sewing updates this week. Worked on the snoods some more, had an idea on how to do them differently which didn’t work when I tested it so back to the grind on these. Did a little work towards a theater project I’m helping mom with. That’s about all.
Space jewelry:

Set that up when I cleaned up my shelf a couple of weeks ago, keep forgetting to take a pic of it.
One more little thing from my sewing room:

I saw someone on tiktok do this. I bought 3 cheap wood embroidery frames, put some scrap fabric in them…

All my Padme pins!
Leftover Belle velvet š

Leia pins! Though I had to leave one off. Have too many Leia pins…. (is there such a thing?)
Leftover fabric from my current panniers. White cotton with silver dots, seemed nice for Leia.

And some Disney Parks pins. Leftover library Belle skirt fabric.

Leia and Padme pins on my Star Wars wall. Though they’re not going to stay here – I have that space “reserved” for my Star Wars Women print I got for Christmas. Just need to get it framed. But the pins can hang there for now. I just have them on pushpins.
I really like this because it’s such a cuter way of displaying them than a bulletin board… and they’re still easy to take pins off if I want to wear/use them.

And Disney pins over in the stairs. I also picked up some more 5×7 frames to get some more of my Disney stuff hung up but I haven’t done that yet.
Oh what else did I do this week… Wednesday I went to the Tiger game with Ash and Jean. Got to see Piper!

Friday we stayed home – Saturday we ran a bunch of errands, it was a fun day. I got some Edward Gorey Christmas cards on clearance for $2 at barnes and noble. Score!

Then it was time to head out to my parents’ house for D&D. We stopped to pick up some fries to go with the nugget platter my parents got. And it took FOREVER. We ended up being a bit late and by the time we got there, most of the places in the driveway were taken, except for the one right in front of the garage, which would have blocked mom from getting in (she was about 5 minutes behind us). So we parked in the grass. Not unusual for my parents’ house, I used to park in the grass all the time. But as soon as we pulled off the driveway the car slid and when we got out it was obvious we’d parked in a giant mud hole. Couldn’t tell in the dark.

Skye watches the tense hobgoblin battle.
We had a fun night, let everyone else leave, and then went to go get the car out of the mud hole. No luck. It was stuck. Front tires were about halfway down in the mud. Dad ended up having to take us home.
Sunday we came back with Chase’s truck and a tow rope.

Success! Look at the muddy front tire.

The mud patch. Obscured by leaves and already patted back down with shovels by dad and Chase, but you can still see the tire grooves.

Been trying to keep the patio door open more often. It gets stuffy in there otherwise. Luna is enjoying it.
Art update!

I said I wasn’t going to add any more Padmes to the project after 100. Even after finding 2 more Clone Wars costumes I missed. But as soon as I saw that costume from the Vader comic I wanted to draw it. So now I guess I need to do the 2 Clone Wars costumes I missed.
Will try to finish this Padme this week. Line work is nearly done.
Where did I leave off last week? Oh geez, I just looked, a lot has happened since then. No idea if I can remember it all. Celeb Family is over.

Tom Cruise got struck by lightning while swimming and died. Kanye just chilled out and watched.
Trump died of old age. There was a grill fire and Kanye got it put out… ran back outside and suddenly randomly caught fire?? I tried to get him to jump in the pool and he wouldn’t. Couldn’t beg the Grim Reaper to save him either. I was a little bummed about that one. One of the kids died of hysteria (which was a new one for me! Never got one to stay hysterical long enough!). Another kid got taken away. Then finally I got tired of it when 2 were left and burned the place down.
So, time for a new family on the lot.
Star Wars family time!
Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo Ren, Hux, Rose, Connix, and Wexley.
They’ve been doing very well for themselves. Nobody has died yet.
I decided it was time for a new challenge and SENT THEM ALL TO COLLEGE. All 8 of them. They stayed living on the lot, didn’t live on campus. And it was….really hard. I ended up having to cheat (just their needs) to make it happen, and the first semester a few of them still failed classes. The hardest thing was finding time for them to give final presentations. When i’d find a block of time in the day (can only do it M-F 8-5), I’d send them to do it and the game would make them walk/run all the way to the edge of the map which took FOREVER. Why do that? Why not just disappear at the property edge like everybody else? It ended up making some of them late for their next class, or miss the presentation window, because it took them like an hour in sim time to get to the edge of the map. And then when they were done, they’d just reappear at the map edge, and wouldn’t come home. I’d have to make them come home. I discovered Kylo Ren just standing out in the woods, he must have been there for hours by then, he’d peed himself and was starving. Just come on home, buddy.
Another annoying University thing – I don’t really mind that the sims still have to go to university classes on Holidays, what I do mind is that they don’t AUTOMATICALLY go to classes on holidays. I had the final day of class end up being during Harvestfest. Final exams and they’re not automatically going!! I had to just pause every half hour and go through each profile to see if it was time for any of them to go, and then click the “go to class” button, because they weren’t doing it without me telling them to. That’s just really annoying.
But even MORE annoying?

I was having a weird glitch where the sims leaving for class would all walk to the property edge… then meld into one another and just stand there, stuck. They wouldn’t go to class. I would have to reset object on them, and when I did that, they’d immediately turn around, put on their swimsuit, and get in the pool instead of going to class. There was no action for me to cancel to stop them from doing that. So by the time I got them out of the pool and back going to class… the class would be over. ARGH!!
I deleted their pool which I THINK fixed the problem. It wasn’t til the end of the last semester I was like “maybe if I delete the pool”… just so irritating, when I’m trying to get them all to pass their classes and they just get stuck.
Anyway, they’ve all graduated except Wexley, Rey, and Rose. They all failed a class the first semester and had to take one more each to graduate.
Also they all aged up into adult and they all got really out of shape while dealing with their education. So I edited them all back to young adult and back in shape once they were done (or done-ish, in Rey, Rose, and Wexley’s case.)
Now I dunno what I want to do with them. They’re not going to die of anything at this rate. Except maybe embarrassment because they only have 1 bathroom andthey will NOT stop walking in on people using the toilet. They all have nice beds, a tv, a grill, a stereo, a book case. They are all pretty happy all the time. It’s not like the Cats family living with no shelter and a pee bush. Maybe I’ll take the door off the bathroom and then just let them try to take care of themselves? I dunno. Starting to lose steam on it.