and good riddance! This year has been a doozy. I’m ready to start 2020 on a good note.
I did post last week but it was just my year in review, so I gotta dig back and see where I left off. Let’s separate this one into chunks instead of going day by day.
I’m starting with sewing even though this is my Christmas post, because, if you saw my year in review last week, you saw I snuck Raddus Bridge Leia in JUST UNDER THE LINE for being a 2019 costume!

Here she is with the hem pinned on the robe.

After pinning it I let it hang overnight AGAIN – I’d already let it hang overnight once. And sure enough the next morning the fabric had stretched again in a couple of places.

Robe hemmed! All done!
I also went back and redid the neckline of the underdress. I’d made that interfaced facing and it was just wanting to flip up and be all stiff and bumpy and annoying so I took it out, recut the facing into more of a half-lining that ends under the armpits and sewed that in. It still causes some wrinkles where it ends but not as bad as the stiffer facing. Also finished the belt and added loops to the side seams to hold it in place.

It’s done! I love it!

Now I just need my bracelet. But sewing is done! And it went together so quickly. I’m really pleased.
Friday I took Crusher over to my parents’ house so mom could look at it with me. I was thinking I was going to have to deconstruct the whole thing to take it up, but after I put it on, mom was able to pin up the excess in the hips/crotch/leg seams to make it fit better. WHEW! I really didn’t want to take the whole thing apart and cut it smaller.

Last project of 2019: last night I took it in, mostly in the V-shaped seam on the lower front, and lost nearly an inch in the crotch seam and the inner thigh seams. That should REALLY help it looking so weird and baggy. I just need to re-hem the bottom of the pants and re-add the elastic and it’s done. YAY!

Also pulled all my lake dress 3 panels out and ironed them. Gonna try to make them into something. It’s not fully visualized yet.

And lord I love this costume.
Started Christmas vacation with my grandma’s retirement home’s Christmas party.


My Christmas present to myself. It was on clearance.
Monday we ran a few last minute errands and buying last minute gifts. Tuesday was Christmas Eve in Jackson…

First year not at Mema and Daddy Bob’s since they moved in with my aunt and uncle earlier this year. Was expecting to feel sad about that but it was fun and I actually really enjoyed there was no set “everybody sit down and open presents” moment. It was mostly us giving Mema and Daddy Bob their presents.
APPARENTLY I didn’t take a pic of them, I only had a video on instagram… but Nana gave me my great-grandmother’s collections of handkerchiefs. They are so pretty!!! I’ll take a pic for my next post, I want to figure out how to display them and could use the hive mind’s help.

Christmas Eve Eve back home…

Chase cooked a steak and made potatoes au gratin, yum.
Then present time!

My stocking was full of blind boxes which I LOVE. And bath bombs! The Stranger Things one was Mike, the 2 Star Wars were Vader and R2, and the Mickey and Minnie were Mickey and… Minnie’s pet bird? LOL.

And this cute pin!!
Chase got some chocolate and some Lego Disney minifigs in his stocking. (TWO of them were Elsa?? WTF.)
My main present was my big new mirror for my bathroom upstairs. I also got a Pirates of the Caribbean candle, new makeup, Boushh ornament, Quip toothbrush (been wanting one for ages), two Padme action figures, and two prints:

That’s only 1/3 of that one, it was rolled up pretty tight.
So excited to get frames for those and get them hung up!

And this dish towel which is living in my sewing room because it cracks me up.

And Chase also got me the 3 Padme dolls – I’ve only opened one so far, here she is. Taking my time LOL.
Chase got a new kitchen knife, steak knives, more kitchen stuff, a shelf for his closet in his office, more chocolate lol I can’t remember it all.
Christmas morning we were up and over to my parents for our traditional sausage casserole.

I didn’t take a lot of pics that day! Here’s a few things from my parents:

This vintage gloves!! So Mary Poppins.

LOTR bookends!

New portfolio, mad libs, picture frames, and a smart notebook!
I also got socks including bombas socks which I’d been wanting to try and they’re great.
Then over to Kevin’s for lunch…

Kevin got a giant box of skittles from us. (We’re also taking him to Dave and Buster’s for a night of games of food.)

Back to my parents to end the night..

Ash got me this adorable planter
Came home and crashed HARD. Ended up with a migraine the next morning that lasted until today UGH.
3. STAR WARS! and Cats.
Rewinding a bit since this was the week before Christmas.
Saw Rise of Skywalker Thursday night!

I was the only one in the whole theater in costume š
That’s what we get for going to the smaller theater. Now I wish I’d signed up to do the theater troop in Jackson.

And the worst part was that I got cheese sticks for dinner and when they came they were not melted at all, just like breading around a solid cheese stick, so I had to take them back up to the counter, in costume, and ask if they could reheat them. They remade them for me but it was awkward all around. LOL.
Overall, I liked it! It was fun. I haven’t disliked ANY of the new movies. Could I nitpick them? Sure. I could nitpick any movie. But I enjoyed what I was shown. And I have new costumes to make now.
And then Sunday we went out to lunch for Ash’s birthday and she and I decided to go see Cats afterwards. She and I went to see the touring show in 2005 and walked out scratching our heads. So it was only appropriate we go see the movie together, too.
And yes, it was bad… but it was all I wanted out of it. It was just so freaking WEIRD. I’d actually see it again, especially if I could get a rifftrax track to go with it. LOL. (I was hoping we’d be alone in the theater so we could talk during it and laugh and be idiots, but the theater was actually rather full…)
4. Work
I was off work all last week. But because I work from home now I stuck my head in my inbox a few times to check on things and things were… on fire. So that sucked. Friday especially was bad and I was like “I’m supposed to be on VACATION”. And it didn’t help that I had a horrible migraine that day – like I said, it started THursday morning and lasted through THIS MORNING. WTF. Really derailed a lot of my plans this weekend.
5. Other Fun Things

Played D&D again Friday night! I made a new character. My paladin was boring. Now I’m a gnome illusionist named Hobbes.
I really need to research and like print some info out and put it in a notebook because i have no idea what I’m doing. LOL.

Then Saturday night we had game night. We played several games and we had prizes and tacos and it was fun. Chase won a Red Robin gift card and that’s dinner tonight.
Otherwise that’s about it for the last two weeks. We have no New Year’s Eve plans. Will probably stay home since I have to work tomorrow. But I’m off Wednesday – plan on getting the house cleaned up, tree down, organize some stuff, plan fabric shopping… whoo hoo fun.