Sorry for no post yesterday. I was off work! But not like a fun day off work, Chase had another appointment for his back problems and I had to have him there super early and to drive him home and what not.
I felt like I really didn’t have much to post about sewing today but looking back, I actually do? What! how did that happen.
So last post I was working on my Raddus Leia sleeves. After I got them initially put together, I opened them back up and tweaked the shape a little.

Here’s the shape they ended up being – laid flat on the floor. Each sleeve is one layer lining, one layer interfacing, and one layer fashion fabric.

Was really happy with how they turned out. Sewed the interfacing to the lining first, then sewed lining to sleeve, flipped, and sewed bottom closed.

The lining layer took longer than expected because I ended up remaking part of the back. I made facings of the fashion fabric, backed in interfacing, that I just sewed directly onto the lining layers. I then worked this down until it looked right….. but I went too far! I ended up taking up the back seam way too much and causing some pulling at the shoulders. I cut the back lining pieces in half, recut all the upper pieces and reassembled them, then just sewed them to what was left of the back (didn’t have enough lining leftover to fully recut the back panels, so I have an extra seam around the waist, in the back, only in the lining. Oh well.)

Lining layer pretty much done

Got the fashion fabric layer assembled and pinned onto the lining. It’s looking goooooood

Outer layer and lining sewn together and pressed! YAS!
Last night I started to attach the sleeves but totally forgot I needed to finish the arm holes, since the sleeves don’t fully cover it. And I’d already sewn the layers together in prep for a full sleeve attachment. So I had to unpick them and then pinning them together wasn’t going well and I finally just said forget I’ll do it later. So that’s where I’m at. But I’m living for how it’s coming along.

I was going to put something else on the dressform, but then I saw this bin sitting there and was like, let’s do it. I haven’t seen this full costume on together since I put it on my old dressform back in 2004. It’s my concept art wedding Padme from Dragoncon 2004; I always meant to do updates but never did, have never even put it on for another photoshoot or ANYTHING.

I even made Chase come look at it because I knew he’d never seen it.

The dress is still in decent shape, one of the things I never liked was the treatment at the neck. I’d wanted it to be metal but ended up doing it in puffy paint. (hello 2004)

Still love all the dyed chiffon though. It’s so dreamy.

I really should get a new wig just so I can shoot it in its current state. That’s the only part that is missing – it got repurposed as my Marasiah Fel/Rogue wig. I’d probably go ahead and make a new tiara piece for the wig as well, and a new necklace, but I’d leave everything else. Even if it’s not how I’d do it now, just for posterity.
This weekend was mostly Christmas shopping. We were out all day Saturday and then had a fun event planned that night…

My parents (along with my aunts and uncles) played D&D when I was a kid. I played it once, 20 years ago, with some con folks I met. In recent years me and my cousins have been begging for the parents to put together another game so we can play too, and it finally happened!

My Uncle Estes even brought his same dungeon master table he used 30 years ago.

And all the parents still had all their old D&D stuff stored away, all their old character sheets, still dated and everything. Mom found this lovely art by my cousin tucked inside one of her folders.
It was a lot of fun! But I made the mistake of NOT thinking about a character until I got there, I picked a paladin and it was boring. Estes said I can make a new character next time.

Back when you had to mail off for information about a convention.

Puppy hugs (and knocking heads together)

Work has been nuts the past 2 weeks. So busy. I keep hoping the Christmas lull will start soon but no dice. Did have to take this pic of my work uniform one day last week tho. I was on my “home from work.” LOL. In other words I was taking my blanket I wrap up in in my office chair downstairs to the couch to take a nap because I was done for the day.

Speaking of blankets, I switched out my summer couch blanket for my winter couch blanket – it’s a thicker blanket that I used to always use at my grandma’s house, but when they were starting to plan on selling the house, I went ahead and brought it home because I love this blanket. And apparently Luna does too, because she’s been burrowed in it since I got it out.
Nana and Kristie found an alien for me. I had to show it to Luna of course.
Sunday we had a family lunch to celebrate my Uncle Buddy’s 99TH BIRTHDAY!!

How awesome is that?


Last night I cleaned up my table in my sewing room and set up to do a new Leia bun tutorial video! I should hopefully have it up next week.
I also had a really cute pic of a new Padme pin I got from Squadron Goals but smugmug is being weird and won’t upload it. So I’ll try to remember it for next time.
(got it working! look how cute she is!)

Actually now that I’m at the end of this post, there wasn’t near as much as whining as I expected. Sorry for the false advertisement.