First Monday in a couple of weeks I haven’t had something funky going on at work. So I’m back to my normal Monday posting this week. Yay.
Also as of last Tuesday I work from home. I was going to wait and move everything at the end of the day and just get it all set up Wednesday morning…but I had a lull mid-day and went ahead and loaded everything up and brought it home and was back up and running well before the end of my workday. So that was nice. I still don’t quite have everything set up – I’m still getting my home office organized and set up a bit – it’s functional at the moment but could use a bit more love. And I still have some computer stuff to get set up – those are the kinds of things I’ll be doing when I have more “lulls.”
So yeah I like it. I like being able to sleep a little later and just come upstairs and sit down at my computer. I feel more confident being in my own space as well. It’s nice. I just wish I was getting to do this under different circumstances.
Didn’t get a lot of sewing done last week.

I did go to Walmart and pick up some thread and while I was there also got some of those magnetic eyelashes. And cinnamon rolls because.
I’ve been wanting to try the magnetic eyelashes that work with the eyeliner. I’ve got the kind of magnetic lashes that “sandwich” your own eyelashes, but haven’t had much success with those. So I picked up the ones you see above, and on thursday, gave me them a try out.
I will NEVER EVER use those again. So the eyeliner that you apply is a gel eyeliner, which I don’t usually use. I’ve always been a pencil eyeliner girl. But I was surprised how easily it applied and actually really liked it… except you then had to get the eyelashes onto the eyeliner while it was still damp. And I felt like I spent too much time carefully applying it that the eyelashes weren’t sticking great, so I applied more and quickly got the lashes on. They went on ok. I wore them around the house for a few hours to see if they held ok and they did, the only thing I didn’t like was that they seemed heavy and maybe a little droopy? Which I figured was just the way I applied them and I needed more practice.
But then I went to take them off and realized the reason they felt “droopy” was because the gel eyeliner had gotten in my own eyelashes and caked there, causing my own eyelashes to be clumpy and sort of block my vision a hair. And NO MATTER WHAT I TRIED I could not get the worst of it out. I used my good makeup remover multiple times scrubbing my eyes trying to get it off. Googled and saw somebody suggested olive oil so I tried that and it just made my whole face feel like an italian restaurant. Finally when I took a bath later and scrubbed and scrubbed it seemed like I got it all off. Couldn’t “see” it anymore in my line of vision and didn’t see a sign of anything looking in the mirror.
This story will continue on Saturday.

This cat LOVES chicken. She went from “I only eat lettuce” when it comes to people food… to “I love seafood” (which we don’t eat much), to “CHICKEN!!!!!!!!” Anytime we have wings she begs like a dog.
Saturday was MCFC! They were at a new location which I was happy about because it’s closer to home.
I started getting into Belle around 10 and as I was putting on my foundation and concealer, I looked at myself in the mirror at one point and was like WTF is that. Out of nowhere some black smudges under my eye had appeared. Hadn’t used anything black yet at that point so I was like wtf. I thought maybe something had been on my blender. so I got a q-tip and cleaned it off and while I let that eye dry, I was blending my concealer on the other eye and it happened there too!! I cleaned that side off as well and at this point was super annoyed because I knew this was going to make my eyes really irritated for the rest of the day. I started reapplying under my eyes and IT HAPPENED AGAIN.
It was that freaking gel eyeliner from thursday that I THOUGHT I’d gotten all off but apparently not, it was all shaking loose as I was applying foundation and getting all over my under eyes. I had to take ALL my makeup off and started over TWICE. It just kept getting everywhere. I was ready to go kill who ever invented gel eyeliner.
Finally got everything looking OK if a little patchy and headed off to the con.

One thing I’d wondered about with this new con location was parking because my sis-in-law stayed at that hotel several years ago and I knew it didn’t have a huge parking lot. And sure enough when we got there a security guard told us the lot was full and we needed to go to the overflow parking lot and shuttles were running every 10 minutes. With Chase’s back situation, standing around waiting on a shuttle was not ideal – he was already pushing it going to the con in the first place. We ended up seeing a free parking spot in the hotel’s lot and taking it. There were several empty spots that I guess the hotel wanted to save for guests and have con attendees park elsewhere but… yeah.
I have no pics from the actual con. Oops. It was pretty crowded and after a walk through the dealer’s room and a couple of purchases we decided to head on out. Since we were really close to the Crystal Grotto we decided to pop over there and take a few pics… though not a lot because it was cold out.

Overall I was really happy with the costume. Only thing I wasn’t happy with was the wig. I’ve restyled that wig I dunno how many times at this point and I still don’t like how it looks on me. I think I’m going to put it back into a hedgehog style like I first had it in 2015.

AND I was still coming off a migraine from late last week and it was making the migraine come back. So as soon as we were done it was off my head.
Ok so this was satisfying…



After that we picked up lunch, went home, I slept. Last that night I decided to do a dressing video:
Though I had to edit out me doing the hook-and-eyes up the front, it made the video too long LOL
We also took a few more videos at the grotto that I’ll be posting later on.
Yesterday was lazy. Was still dealing with a SLIGHT migraine so just did some house stuff.
Chase, my dad, and Ash’s mom all wanted to go see Ford vs Ferrari. I decided to tag along but I went to see Charlie’s Angels instead. It was ok. Not as fun as I expected. Worth a watch once it’s streaming a guess.
I also did a TINY bit of sewing…

I got lining pieces cut out for the dress – not full length, the lining will only go to about mid-thigh. I may end up trimming it out shorter to just be a facing depending on what I do with the sleeves — at the moment I’m leaning towards attaching the sleeves to an under-dress just like I did my Blood Red Dress, so the silk velvet is not supporting the sleeve weight – and if I do that then I don’t need the lining to the mid-thigh. But for now it’s there if I go another route.
Anyway, I got the lining pieces pasted in place along the neckline and arm openings. Next up I’m going to baste the seams together. Then machine sew everything.
Moving slow on it because… I dunno, a lot of reasons. I do also have Raddus Bridge Leia to work on until I order my Arwen spoonflower fabric, but neither are “for” anything so there’s no rush.
So that’s it for this week. I’m going to get the portfolio updated with the Belle costume here shortly.

Look at this fat thing. I thought for sure she’d be all up in my lap everyday now that I’m working from home but nope. She’s walked by the room a couple of times but otherwise ignores me. I think I’ve invaded her personal time or something.