it’s 2 posts in one day

and that’s only because I totally forgot to come back and hit publish on my disney trip report post last week. So I published it this morning LOL.

But, I don’t really have a lot to post about today. Last week after Christmas was pretty boring. Work was quiet and boring. Didn’t really do anything in the evenings.
One evening last week I got sucked into watching some “Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge” on youtube and it made me want to play the sims again. So that’s what I did Friday night, until later that night when I went and met friends to see Mary Queen of Scots at 10. It was a strange movie.

Also I am trying the 100 Baby challenge… I AM cheating only because I need to get these kids grown up and out of the house. (And I cheated a bit to get mom a bit further in the actor career so she could get famous and we could make some money — but I haven’t done any money cheats! they’ve struggled a few times!) But I’ve ran into a problem. I know I can go into manage househould inside manage worlds and just move one sim out, I’ve done it plenty of times. But my household is full at 8 people and when I tried to go move the oldest kid (now an adult thanks to cheats) out… it’s greyed out and says my house is at max capacity and I can’t manage the household?! WTF. I’m going to have to do more research and figure it out. For now he’s trapped on their apartment balcony and may starve to death before I figure it out.

I forgot to post pics of a few things I got at Disney!

They had a Hoth Leia keychain in the Lego store and since the classic Leia one I have on my car key is looking a little beat up, I decided to get her.

And I got these two little 4×6 Leia prints!
Ok so they’re actually postcards, but it’s still a small print LOL. They’re cheaper than the actual prints and still a good size for framing. I’ve got a collection of art postcards from Disney over the past few years I need to get framed.

Saturday we ran a few errands. At Target they had a endcap stuffed FULL of these Endor tsumtsums:

70% off! They must have WAY overbought these because they had a ton. I got a set, I’d been wanting them but I was trying to cut back on the tsumtsums LOL But for $6?! they got me.

After errands we ran over to OUR NEW HOUSE. The sellers (well, currently our tenants!) walked us through everything they could think of, how the shower works, how they take care of the backyard, where they kept the extra paint for everything in the house. It was great, you don’t usually get that when you buy a house.
And one nice little surprise… in the closet space in my new sewing room, there is what I thought was some sort of attic access door:

I didn’t even open it when we viewed it, because I assumed it just lead to something in the attic.
But nope! It’s more finished space! It’s like a mini closet inside the closet! LOL They said they kept their christmas stuff in there. I figure I can put really old costume stuff in there I don’t need to get it all that often.
I am going to need to figure out how I want to store stuff in there. As you can see it’s not a plain square sort of shape. That’ll be something to figure out in coming weeks.

Anyway, we also got A KEY which was exciting.

Saturday night we had a game night! We did the saran wrap ball game and it was a lot of fun. Two of the balls had stick-on mustaches in them so pretty much everybody had a mustache.

The ball Chase and I made had a bottle of dollar store spray perfume called “If You Love Giorgio, You’ll Love Primo!” and mom ended up being the one to unwrap that… and as soon as it hit the floor it started leaking and it SMELLED LOL. I had to wrap it back up in some of the saran wrap.

Mom collapsed in the leftover saran wrap.

We got lots of candy! And little toys. There were two things of “Fart putty” LOL. Best of all, Chase managed to unwrap a $50 Lowe’s gift card, which between the other Lowe’s cards we got for Christmas, we had enough to buy a new ladder we really needed and Chase had been eyeing.

Yesterday was pretty lazy, we went and got that ladder and I packed up a bit. Going to do some more tonight and tomorrow when I’m off work.

We take possession of the house Thursday! Then Saturday is moving day! I’M SO EXCITE

So next week’s post will have a lot more fun stuff. (Or not, if you don’t think pics of somebody else’s house are exciting)

OH! Hey whoa I almost forgot I had art to post.

This one was based on concept art from ROTS… from an earlier storyline when Padme was supposed to show up on Mustafar with a knife planning on killing Anakin because she knew he’d gone bad. But then she didn’t. And then they took the knife away from her. Boo!