it’s your rare mid-week post

I don’t have my phone today. It has made me very aware of how many times a day I reach for my phone for no particular reason. Like literally every 10 minutes.

It’s getting a new battery put in today. I wanted to just go ahead and buy a new phone, because it’s time, but Chase said some new phone comes out in September so we should wait til then so the prices on the 8 drop (which is what I want.)
But hopefully the new battery will solve my biggest problem with it and I won’t have too much trouble at DragonCon. Like right now, I can just glance at instagram a few times, listen to a podcast for a little while, and my battery will already down to 50% by 9 AM. I have to keep it plugged in at my desk all day. I can only imagine what being at Dragon Con will be like, I’d be dead by 10AM.

Anyway I have ONE BIG THING to post today:

Finished up about 9:40 last night. 3 solid weeks of non-stop beading. I’m not all that happy with them, I think they are a bit sloppy so I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight redo them at some point in the future but not right away. They pass the 10 ft rule and that’s all that matters for now. Couldn’t have done it without my mum helping with the seed beads on 2 of them for me. I’d have still been scrambling to finish tonight in that case.

So, tonight will be getting these sewn onto the robe. I’m also going to shorten the collar a bit on the robe (I may just make a new one… would only take a few minutes and I can fix 2 problems at once. The current one is also a little short length wise, which I fixed with a piece of elastic for the closure, but if I made a new one I could just fix that all together.) I also need to shorten the sleeves and get them attached. Planning on having the robe FINISHED and pressed tonight.

Then tomorrow night, Friday night, etc – I can focus on my wigs.
I have a solid plan of attack for Crait Leia’s wig. Got it figured out the other day. Going to make a bump for the top, sew it in. Going to sew some wefts in to hide the cap where I lifted the hair away. Make another bump for the bottom roll. Then I need to go through it with a grey sharpie and darken up some areas. So I THINK I could get that done in a night. Also need to finish her ring.

Then Amidala. I’ve got the foam forms made, need to get them sewn in and the hair formed around it. Extensions sewn onto the back. center part made. This is where the most work is left to do.

And now since we’re a week out, I’m going to post what one of my surprise costumes is.

Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!
Ash and I have been talking about doing this duo for a few years now and decided we’d toss them together for a lazy, late night drinking costume.
We ordered the shirts and hat from an etsy seller. They initially sent me the wrong size Garth shirt… but the seller fixed it right away so yay!
I got a pair of the ugliest pale wash jeans from the secondhand store and tore up the knees. Flannel shirt from amazon. And a pair of sparkly converse also at the second hand store LOL They were cute so I said whatever, I can either go with the sparkly pair that fit and are real Converse, or get the knock-off solid black ones for the same price. So I went with the real deal.

And then I got this cheaaaaaaap wig from amazon.

After this pic I trimmed it up, teased it a bit, it’ll do. I’ll tease it more when I actually wear it.
And my glasses were from amazon, too.

Only thing left on this is that for Ash’s Wayne hat, we decided to just sew some dark wefts around the bottom edge of it instead of her having to wear a wig AND a hat. I have them pinned in place, just need to sew them down, and then I’m going to curl them to get them a bit fluffier looking.
I think I’ll do that when I get home from work today to knock that out. Then I can put all of the Wayne’s World stuff in the finished pile.

I was going to wait to announce what that crazy orange fringe beast actually is later this week. But I’m gonna go ahead and do it here now because I mean it’s whatever right? LOL

Yep that orange fringe thing and that amazing wig I posted Monday is for my Love Shack Kate costume.

AHHH! It’s so silly. But it’ll be a fun little late night costume. I guess it’s not so little since I made the whole thing and then have that AWESOME WIG.
I still have a few things to do to it. If you recall in my previous posts about the bodice it ended up too small at the chest, so I maaaaay add an extension in. If I have time. If not it’s just going to have a big gap and oh well. LOL.

Fun fact: The B-52s were the first concert I asked to go to. Cosmic Thing tour. July 1990.

SO! a stab at figuring out a schedule.

Crait Leia: Sunday at 11 for Leia shoot at the Westin. If I make it over there. I’m pretty lax about going to things by Sunday. Will definitely being wearing it a second time at some point.
Amidala: Friday at 11 for Padme shoot at Hardy Ivy. I will probably try to wear this one more time somewhere? Dunno when yet. The makeup is a pain.
Garth: This will be a late night costume.
“Don’t Touch Me If You are Allergic to Wool” Surprise Costume #1 – this will be a lazy afternoon/late night costume.
Love Shack Kate: This will be an evening costume since it’s not bulky and easy to run around in.
Jean Grey: Saturday night for the SCF Marvel shoot only.
Tinkerbell: I MAY try to make it over to the Disney shoot on Sunday at 2. Not counting on it. If I don’t, I’m going to squeeze it in early one morning or early afternoon somewhere. Sometime where the wings won’t have too thick a crowd to deal with.
Unicorn & the Wasp Donna: Only for Saturday for my Catherine Tate photo-op. I don’t know when that is yet, so hard to plan. I imagine it’s in the afternoon based on her panel times.
Fires of Pompeii Donna: May not wear it. Only tossing it in because it’s easy and would be a great option for wearing to the dealer’s room since it’s just a maxi dress, no wig and sandals. So comfy and so not hot.

Well not really ready but my brain is ready. The rest of me still has work to do.

OH I forgot I have art.

Of course it’s more concept art Padme. Rushed this one a bit since the last one took so long. But I still like how it turned out.