I put off posting yesterday hoping I’d have all my Tinkerbell photos ready to go, but I’ve only got about half so far… but I’m gonna go ahead and post today anyway.
I’ve still gotten no sewing done at all. Haven’t stepped foot into my sewing room except to move stuff out of it. Kevin helped me last week move stuff every day after work… we got over half of the bins moved, all my wig boxes, a few hanging things, most of the helmets and props done. I’ve still got about 15-20 bins left (a few of those will stay with me, stuff I need for ABC or Dragon Con), and the majority of the hanging stuff. But I left the hanging stuff for last.
Chase is going to do one last load with me in his truck so I can get all that’s left in one go.
I’ve told myself tonight I’m getting back to my Crait Leia mockup no matter what. So I’ll hopefully have some updates on that soon.
Kevin stayed with us last week like I mentioned.

Since he was with us, it was a nice day Saturday…. we decided to go shoot some Peter Pan and Tinkerbell photos!

I only have my solo pics and a handful of duo pics so far.

I’ll have more duo pics up soon, hopefully tonight.
Random iphone pics:

So I mentioned we wanted to redo my wings because their angle wasn’t quite right – now we kinda have to because they decided to stop sitting in the harness correctly. They were both trying to twist at weird angles the entire photoshoot (when they didn’t do that at all at MidSouthCon). So for ABC going to have a new harness rig and connectors.
I will say I was much happier with my makeup this time around than at MidSouthCon.
Anyway. We went to see Ready Player One Sunday night. I liked it a lot!

Speaking of movies… Thursday is our anniversary so Chase and I both took a half day off work Friday and we’re just going to go to the first show of Infinity War that day. Since we totally blanked on getting tickets for opening night.
Mom’s been organizing photos and sent me a few old pics!


My horse back riding days.
Also I am way too small to be on that giant horse.
So now on to art…
Old red invasion Amidala:


Old Tatooine Peasant:


Black Coruscant Old:


Old Loyalist Committee:


Old Tatooine:


Currently working on the Tatooine Poncho next.
In face news… my breakout/skin problem was 100% my medicine. The different brand messed me up. After being off it for 3 days my skin was nearly back to normal. So that’s great but now I have to transfer pharmacies (pharmacy has switched to that new brand only), and probably have to go without for a month or so, since I still had a month on hand of the bad stuff. But no big deal. Just annoying.