i dont know what we’re yelling about

First off, a couple of new art things.

Padme’s pilot disguise from 2010:


Dressing robe from 2010:


This stupid one I did the painting on TWICE. I got the linework and flat colour done and backed up. Then did everything else Wednesday night, got it about 95% done. Tried to open it up last night to put the finishing touches on and the file was corrupted. ARRGH. Tried a bunch of tricks to get it to work, nothing free did and I wasn’t going to pay $25 for a program to maybe fix it. So I just redid it all. Pain in the neck.

And that’s it for new art this post. We were gone to Nashville Thursday-Sunday for Derek and Beth’s wedding so no drawing or sewing this weekend!

Although I do have one sewing pic to share before I swing into the weekend update:

Front mock-up panels for Crait Leia. I think I’m going to have to do a full-on mock-up for this to figure out the sleeves. So that’ll be this week/weekend. I picked up some grey satin for the sleeve lining this weekend while in Nashville (as well as some patterns since there was a pattern sale… haha. Haven’t taken pics of any of that tho.)

Oh! And I don’t think I shared this last week – last monday night I took the first load out to my parents house:

Kevin is staying with us this week, so he’s going to help me move some more each day. I was going to start today, but didn’t have time to get anything ready last night, so I’ll get some bins and more props pulled tonight to start taking stuff out tomorrow.

So onto this weekend!
We both took Thursday and Friday off to get on up to Nashville… we got up Thursday morning, ran to Target for a few last minute things and hit the road. We got into town and went straight to pick up Chase’s suit. He’d rented in Memphis a few months ago but picked it up at the Nashville store. Unfortunately his jacket was totally the wrong size and they gave him the wrong vest. But they were able to have new ones sent in to be picked up Friday — just glad we had an extra day of cushioning built in!

I noticed that the mall had a Boxlunch and omg! I had to go check it out. I promised myself I could only buy one thing. There was so much to choose from tho D:

So much Stitch stuff!!

I ended up picking a Westworld shirt, since I don’t have much Westworld stuff. Then we had lunch at the mall, and then ran over to Joann. That Joann is SO MUCH BIGGER and NICER than ours!! By then it was time we could check into our hotel, so we did that and took a nap, then headed over to Derek’s to go to dinner.

Oh, bonus shirt I saw in the mall – a Clarissa Explains it All shirt?!

I also saw a beach hat that said “Go Away.” I need this shirt and that hat together and I have my new day-to-day outfit.

Friday we got up and packed up since we were only at that hotel for that night. I rolled my hair overnight and of course it looked super cute fresh out of the curlers:

We went over to Beth’s house to load up stuff to take the venue… then it was time to start decorating. We unpacked and assembled and hung things from the ceiling for a few hours then Chase, Derek and I went to get lunch. We went to Chuy’s, hadn’t been there before, and it was really good. And our waitress had an awesome Star Wars tattoo.

Then we had to go back to the mall to pick up Chase’s corrected suit. Annnnd since we were back there I talked Chase into going back into Boxlunch again. LOL.

Then over to Hotel #2 to check in. Turns out Hotel #2 is the same hotel where we attended MTAC 2006. I took a pic by the fountain again just like my fav pic of my Yuuko costume LOL

We had a quick nap and got changed to head to the rehearsal dinner.

I wore my tiki bird dress and Chase wore his Hawaiian Mickey Mouse shirt.

Dinner was really good (pasta bar with strawberry shortcake for dessert!)!

Saturday we were up pretty early, went and had breakfast and then back upstairs to get dressed. I slept in curlers again which was such a pain in the butt but my hair did turn out cute.

Then over to the wedding venue to get everything ready to go.

We got everything all set up. Because the weather turned cold and rainy it was inside instead of out but it was just as pretty.

Derek’s mom made all these paper centerpieces and ALL the flowers out of paper!

And these amazing books.

And turns out I’m kinda ok at pinning on boutonnières LOL Once we had everybody set up and ready to go, I got to be the program-hander-outer at the front table, which made it easy to say HI to everybody coming in.

They had an unplugged ceremony so no pics from that! It was really pretty though. I also didn’t take a ton during the reception. But again the food was SO GOOD. Seriously the chef at this place was great.

The cake!

Groom’s cake!

Then we saw them off with sparklers, did a little clean up, and made our way back to the hotel. We got changed (OMG I was so glad to change LOL Most of the day I was comfortable but by hour 10 I was ready to get into comfy clothes again!), and headed up to their suite for a quick drink. Very quick because we were both EXHAUSTED.

Sunday we got up and got everything packed up. Had breakfast with everyone who stayed at the hotel and then had to head on out — yesterday was my mom and Jean’s bdays so we had their lunch to get to.

All last week the weather was really pretty. Saturday it rained and started to get chilly. Sunday it was downright WINTER. I had to go home and dig out a winter jacket again. We headed downtown to Texas de Brazil!

It was so yummy! Then to Jean’s house for cake. And THEN we had to go pick up Kevin, since like I said, he’s staying with us this week.

So by the time we got home and were able to STAY home, we were exhausted and got nothing done. I just sat on the couch and watched the new ep of RPDR I missed last week. Then went to bed early.

Some random thoughts…
first my face is on FIRE. I dunno what is going on with it — but it reminds me of the time I used an offbrand makeup remover at a con once and it irritated my skin so bad, it turned red, felt sunburnt, and felt like sandpaper to the touch. I had to baby it back to normal with lotion a few times a day. Well I’m having that again and this time I don’t know why. I’ve been having more acne than usual the past few weeks, which didn’t help the situation… and after wearing makeup a few times over the weekend my face is in that same shape again. It hurts! The only culprits I can think of are the makeup itself — I do have a few “newish” things, my foundation (been using since Dragon Con with no issues), or my powder (got it as a Christmas present, used it several times with no issues). Or the fact that one of my medications got switched to a different generic brand. Technically the same thing but you never know with stuff like that. I’ve been on it for about a month and a half which would line up with the increase in acne. I may go off it for a couple of weeks if this doesn’t clear up soon, just to see if it’s the culprit or not.

House stuff… this week I’m just focusing on getting the costume stuff out of the house. We have a bit more painting to do over the next week but not a ton. Seen a couple of new houses pop up for sale that we really like so hopefully by the time we’re ready to buy we can still find something.

Annnnnnd finally I know I shouldn’t be buying STUFF but I had some project money leftover and bought myself the new Padme Forces of Destiny doll.

Because I NEEDED the Padme doll to make my doll group feel complete. I do still need the Ahsoka too. Then it’ll be all my girls!