I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted this week…

I usually post Monday and apparently I didn’t since I posted on Friday last week. So I guess that trend is continuing.

I have a lot of random stuff to talk about so I’m going to break this into sections.

Costume Stuff

I have no costume stuff to talk about… yet. Taking a small break after finishing Tink and Peter Pan. Speaking of which, Tink and Peter video breakdown is up at my patreon. I’m going to have more patreon stuff to talk about later in this post.

Next week I’m going to start on Amidala. Taking a couple of weeks off of sewing — actually this week I’ve been focusing on an art project I can’t post pics of yet because it’s a surprise for somebody. But I’ll hopefully be able to share it soon!

This weekend – or, actually today I guess – I’m driving to Atlanta with Cath and Ash. Cath has a Dcon director’s meeting and she asked back in December if we wanted to go with her. So we decided to tag along. We’re leaving after work today, driving on into Atlanta, getting a hotel for the night. I think Ash and I are going to go check out the Center for Puppetry Arts while Cath is in her meeting. We’ll be coming on back Sunday.

But my main goal is FABRIC SHOPPING. I know 2 stores in Atlanta and I’d like to try to get to both but at least one. I have a list of fabrics I’m looking for. I’m going to be shopping for both TLJ Leias, Loyalist Committee Padme, and a couple of other maybes. I’M EXCITED! BUY ALL THE THINGS!

Oh I haven’t talked about Loyalist Committee Padme have I? Well I jumped on a fabric run on facebook. I’m getting 8 yards of the burnout velvet (in pale blue). I’ve always kinda talked about MAYBE remaking mine, but finding the burnout fabric again was a hindrance. But now I have it and I’m probably going to aim for it to be a project for next year. So right now I just have on my list bodice/skirt fabric as just something to keep my eye out for this weekend. I’d rather NOT spend this year’s costume budget towards it anymore but if I see the perfect thing, I’m not going to pass it up.

And then finally… Chase got some new video equipment and wanted to test it out. I’d been wanting to do a video version of my Leia bun tutorials, so we set it up and I did all 3 bun methods in one video.

It wasn’t easy to do since I was having to look in a little makeup mirror, but I hope it works out ok and I can post it soon.


Last weekend was St Patrick’s Day! We did some house stuff, got a little more packed, etc. Dad’s band played THREE gigs on St Patrick’s Day and we went to the one at Railgarten. We’d never been there before, but I knew they had the old Skateland sign over the stage so I had to dress to match.

And wow! Railgarten is a great venue. Plenty of room and chairs to sit and watch. We had drinks and snacks and they were really good too. People got into the music and were dancing so that was fun. Here’s dad onstage!

OH! I guess I should mention that last Tuesday my grandma fell. They sent her to the ER to get checked up, my parents went up to be with her. The ER doctor gave her the clearance to go back to her home, so they discharged her and my parents took her home that same night. So we were like, that was lucky, she’s just bruised up but nothing broken. Well the next morning the staff at her home were looking over the paperwork and noticed it specified “fracture.” Nobody had said anything about a fracture. So my parents got in touch with her GP, GP said take her back to the ER. So back again the next day. I don’t know if the ER doctor had missed it or what, but he did come in and apologise for sending her home the day before. She did fracture her hip. Thankfully it’s not a full break and she didn’t need surgery, but they did send her to a rehab facility where she’s getting PT everyday, and she’ll likely be there for 2 weeks before she can be cleared to go back home.

Also her PT place has a therapy dog coming next week and I wish I could be there for that LOL

Anyway, since my parents were stuck at the hospital for a couple of days dealing with that, I had to drive out to their house to let Kes out. Look at all these pretty flowers blooming around the rock in their front yard! This is where Indy and Calvin are buried. It’s going to be really pretty soon.

And now…


We’ve been working on getting the house ready to sell, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before. We got a new garage door, we got a bunch of outside work done, both repairs that needed done and cosmetic stuff. We got new gutters. Paid off the HVAC. All that’s left at this point is to resod the backyard and some painting and little things inside.

I’ve been packing a bit here and there. Starting to run out of room for put boxes, though. We got some space bags last week so we packed up some winter clothes/clothes we don’t wear/blankets. We need to get a storage unit soon and start moving stuff out.

I’d really like to just dismantle our guest room and start stacking boxes in there, but we have Kevin for a week soon and he’ll need a place to sleep LOL. So have to at least put that off til then. I’m hoping that week he’s with us I can get him to help move some of my costume stuff out to my parents’ house.

Ahh let’s see what I’ve finished since last post…
Bespin Escape Leia! Here’s the original from 2010.

This was absolutely one of my least favourites from the original project. Her proportions are just nuts.
Here’s the new version:

Original Endor Gear Leia from 2010:


Amidala Kimono from 2010:


Another quick mermaid re-do – these are quick so I kinda do them in between other things. Andrina from 2010:


So I’ve been thinking about my patreon lately.
I currently have 2 rewards levels and most of my posts are patreon-viewable only. (The art posts I’ve made are public.) First reward level gets a trading card and a mini moo card. Second level gets a print. That’s how I’m selling my prints currently.

And I do have another rewards hopefully coming later this year – I’ve been wanting to do my own trading cards for YEARS so Chase is going to design a template for me. And I’ll probably release a new trading card of each of my costumes a few times a year, and patreons at that level will get one.

When I first set it up, I made all my costume posts patreon-only because, at that point, I didn’t have rewards. So people who paid got to see the posts.
But now that I have rewards set up, I feel like I could make ALL my posts public to anybody. Or maybe just more of them? And the paying folks get the rewards but anybody could follow me to see posts? Maybe keep my videos patreon-only but all the text/breakdown posts public?

So I dunno. It’s something I need to ponder a bit. I need to look at what other similar costumers are doing, I guess.