I hope nobody finds this post by googling “Peter Pan Pants Pattern” because I’m not actually talking about Peter Pan’s pants pattern. It’s just something Kevin and I kept saying last weekend as a tongue twister LOL
So I’ve spent the bulk of this week focusing on finishing up Peter Pan. Tuesday I was all like “I’m going to finish ALL of it tonight!” and then that didn’t happen, so I was like, “i’m going to finish it all on Wednesday!” and that didn’t happen. But I did get pretty close last night.
So as I think I mentioned last post, the first hat i made for him wouldn’t take dye, because apparently you can’t even dye polyester felt with poly dye. It all just washed off. So Chase ran by Joanns for me on Tuesday and HALLELUJAH Joanns actually had 100% wool felt. So he picked up a yard of that for me. Wednesday night I got it dyed, then pulled the old hat apart to use as a pattern and got the new hat put together last night. I’m actually really super pleased with it!

It’s a slightly different green than his tunic, but I’m going to let it fly because my whole theme behind his Peter Pan is kinda crazy-quilt looking anyway. I got the feather sewn in place and it’s all done.
Oh and that’s his trimmed up wig! It’s the first wig I bought for Mon Mothma that I ended up not using. (here’s what it looked like before I trimmed it.)
I also got his pants finished up and dyed. All that was left was gather the edges and put the cuffs on, then I put it in some poly brown dye. I’ve been tempted to add some more green to it but I think I like the addition of something more brown.

So it’s super difficult to get a photo of this thing because my dressform is WAY too small for it. But I did my best. So after I got the lining put together and sized out on him last weekend, got got the front panels cut out of the leftover Leia fabric, first order of business was to get the new length of linen dyed to match. I talked about that in my last post, I think. Once that was dry, I cut out the back panels, got the lining and outer pieces sewn together and pressed… and then when I put it on the dressform discovered somehow I’d cut the outside back piece longer than the lining so it wasn’t hanging correctly. Had to take it apart and redo it.
Once that was fixed, I made the collar piece and got it inserted into the neck. I made it too long at first and had to take the edges out and shorten it, but thankfully that was quick and easy. I did a little decorative stitch around the edge of the collar in a natural white.
Then to the buttons – originally I was going to just put the buttons on, and just put a snap behind them. But then I figured, this is a good time to practice doing button holes, because if I mess it up, it’s OK because having a patched/fixed spot on this tunic goes with the theme. So I got buttons holes put in, buttons sewn in, and a hidden snap right at the neck to keep it closed.
The sleeves I got cut out and attached last night. I decided to leave them unfinished at the edge — the edges are both are the selvage edge and I like how they’ve sort of unraveled through getting dyed and dryed. I was originally going to do 2 sets of sleeves – one of the front (original Leia) fabric, and one of the back (new dyed to match) fabric, and cut them into strips, and I am stilL kinda considering it but I want to see how it looks on him first.
The whole thing I’ve really got to take over to his house and put on him this weekend. It’s hard to tell if it’s looking right when it’s not on something it fits. I did put Chase in it last night, which helped me see everything looked OK – but I need to see it on Kevin.
One other thing I’ve been considering it a white undershirt. I had bought a yard of some thin soft cheesecloth last weekend and I wanted to make a faux-undershirt/collar piece that would look like it’s worn underneath the tunic. I played with it and asked Chase’s opinion and he didn’t care for it. I think once I see it on Kevin I’ll be able to make the decision if it needs it or not.
At this point, I think I’m mostly done sewing on it (unless I add the undershirt). I’m waiting on his belt to get here (should be here today), need to put the new buckle on it, make him a pouch, and a strap to hang his sword from. And weather his sword a bit.
Saturday I have no plans so I’m going to focus on Tinkerbell ALL DAY. I’m going to get the skirts finished first thing, then get back to beading. Chase is working on my wings this weekend too – hoping they are done by next weekend so I can get the fabric sewn onto them.
Oh! I almost forgot. I posted it on patreon, but not here. So I’ve been playing around with the idea of cleaning up/re-doing some of my 365 princess pieces from 2010. The problem in 2010 was that I was doing them so fast – trying to post one a day – that they had a lot of problems. I’d already kinda redone some of them back in 2013, but I thought I’d keep going. Last week I revisited this one from 2010:

Belle from the set of historical outfits I did.

Here’s the updated version. Redrew her face, her hand on the skirt, and did a quick shading job.
This week I worked on redoing this Aurora, also from the historical set:

And the updated one:

This one got a full redraw from the original sketch. I also did a pink version just for fun.

So I’m calling this project “365 Revisited” and I’m hoping to eventually “upgrade” all of them – and also finish out some characters I’m missing. For Disney that means Anna and Elsa and their various outfits, Moana, Merida, etc – everybody that’s come since 2010. For Star Wars that means a few characters I’m missing, and the handful of costumes of Padme and Leia I’m missing (for Leia it was her ANH senatorial dress LOL how did I not ever do that one? For Padme it was a couple of Ep 3 ones.) It’s just something to play with in downtime. I’m certainly not going to try to do one a day again LOL but maybe one upgraded or new one a week?