Yes it’s a huge art dump. Well huge by today’s standards, not so much by like… me circa 2001 standards.
First up is a Amidala picture I’ve been working on for a while… I got bored after I finished the face so I’d do just a little bit each day because I didn’t really feel like doing the rest LOL but I pushed through and it’s finally done.
It’s a re-do of this picture I did back in 1999, right after Phantom Menace came out:

So here’s my 2017 version:

Then I have some sketch stuff. Chase got me this little grey sketchbook for Christmas and I hadn’t done anything in it until a couple of weeks ago. First thing I did was a little Wonder Woman sketch.

But once I started adding colour I wasn’t crazy about it. So far I’ve kept everything else black and white.

A Sailor Moon who turned out super alien looking but oh well.

A Padme who looks super angry for some reason, really wasn’t terribly happy with this one either but I was mostly just playing around with getting into the idea of already having a mid-tone and going in for whites/blacks only.

A Gandalf! I was pretty ok with this one.

Of course there has to be a Piper, I was pretty happy with this one too. Getting better.

A Leia. I don’t think I got a very good likeness of her but by this point I’m finally feeling like I’ve gotten a decent grasp of the mid-tone.

A Link doodle for Kevin.
I’ll update some more later as I finish them.
In other news, Kevin has been staying with us this week, but he’s been sick the whole time. Bad head cold. Poor baby! He’s mostly been sleeping because his medicine is knocking him out. He gets up to watch a movie and shower and eat and that’s about it.
He did try on some awesome boots last night:

Ready for his KISS Audition.
I’ve been working every night on the giant Sgt Pepper Experience banner.

It’s like 90% done now, but I’m not going to do anything else with it until we get it to the theater Saturday. Where I have enough room to roll the whole thing out and touch it up.
Finally made a little progress on TFA Leia also. Got my mock-up made:

I don’t have the star cut into the neckline yet – Chase made a pattern for me last night so hopefully maybe tonight I can get it cut in and assess. Thoughts on what I DO have — I think I may need to flare the pattern pieces at the bottom a little bit. Not a lot. Otherwise I think it’s pretty good.
I found some blue satin in my stash I can use for lining. Hooray for not having to buy anything new. So once I get the star cut into the neckline and figured out, I’ll cut out my actual fabric and the lining, and then do another round of dye on the cut fabric pieces. Fingers crossed it works well this time.