Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! I’ve had nothing to post about. Haven’t been working on anything – but finally going fabric shopping this weekend YAY. And hopefully my fabric samples I ordered earlier this week will also be here today so I can place the order for that.
So what have I been up to otherwise? Wellllll let me tell you.
Remember how I said at Celebration I got a horrrrrrrrrible sinus infection friday night? So all day Saturday my entire face hurt. To the point it hurt to smile. So every photo I find of myself all I see is…

I get sinus infections way too regularly and generally the only symptom I show is teeth pain on one side which radiates all along that side of my face. But I can usually control it with sudafed — and this time, at Celebration, sudafed wasn’t helping. We ended up getting me some Afrin in the hotel gift store which did finally help a little. Once we got home, I took some medicine I had there and that finally seemed to help. Since then it’s kinda gone back and forth – it hasn’t ever been the level of pain it was in Orlando, just kinda vaguely annoying at times and other times, totally fine.
Well about a week and a half ago I suddenly noticed some swelling along my gumline where it was bothering me off and on. Oh great.
Finally got into the dentist yesterday and discovered I had a small abscess at the root of the tooth. THIS ENTIRE TIME IT’S BEEN A TOOTH INFECTION. Now I don’t feel so bad about being in pain at Celebration – it was a grimace in every photo, not a smile LOL. Thankfully it was not terribly bad, and my regular dentist was able to clean it all out and fix me up without having to send me off to a surgeon. (whew!) Unfortunately I will need a root canal and a crown on that tooth which I’ve got scheduled a few weeks out š
After already having to have a bunch of dental stuff earlier this year… well there’s a good side and a bad side to that. The good is, after this new root canal, I’ll have met my insane stupid deductible for the year (first time ever!) and I’m going to have him look over EVERYTHING else to see if there’s anything else he can do while insurance will actually pay for it LOL. The bad news is I could buy a small used car for how much money we’ve had to spend on my teeth just this year.
So I’ve got some prints leftover from Visioncon I’m going to put online to sell, to hopefully make a little money towards that dental bill. Some art, some costume. Should hopefully have that up and going next week. I can’t decide if I want to bring back my storenvy or just dump everything on my etsy.
Last weekend I decided to break out the wool-felting kit Chase got for me a couple of years ago. Here’s my first attempt…

I gave him to mom for mother’s day! He’s not perfect but I think he’s kinda cute in his awkwardness.
I really enjoyed making it, I think I’m going to find a rubber mat to work on in the future like the instructions suggest. That would make it a lot easier to do – I was working on the top part of my sewing chair and I kept felting the wool into the fibers of the chair LOL
And lastly I’ve been wanting to draw an Audrey Hepburn inspired Belle for a while now and finally did:

I’m pretty happy with how she turned out. I was also wanting to do Josephine Baker as Tiana, so I might do another in this “series.” Got some ideas for other actresses for some of the others, too. Who knows if I’ll get to it or not.
Anyway so yeah fabric shopping this weekend!!!!! Gotta get pink stuff for the big pink monster thing and look for Leia stuff too.
(Oh and I decided not to rush into doing the zombie Anne Boleyn. Didn’t feel like scrambling, so I’ll do it next year.)