I’m almost there

Last night I got alllllllmost done with the big spires. I could’ve stayed up another half hour and finished the last one but I was tired, so I’ll finish it tonight. Then I have that one little yellow bit to finish, and then I have to figure out the shadow Xs in the upper spires — I didn’t trace them in because they were so small and fiddly, so I have nothing up there to follow. I don’t know if I’m going to freehand it or try to go trace them back in. But the areas are really small so I’m thinking they won’t take too long. Hopefully!

While I’m glad to almost be done with the embroidery part of me reeeeeally doesn’t want to have to go into my sewing room to work. I’m enjoying just sitting on the bed getting stuff done. To go into my sewing room means I have to clean up Visioncon stuff. It’s kind of a disaster at the moment. So I have to clean before I can start on anything else. Boo.

When I got home from work yesterday, I decided I wanted to see what it was looking like on the dressform. I just folded the excess over the top and quickly pinned it on – didn’t even take my embroidery hoop off the left side.

I’m now on a mad hunt to find my trim. The place I’ve had bookmarked to order from for ages now says it’s a 21 day turnaround time. Arrrrrgh.