Bespin Leia stuff

So at this point I’m almost done with all of the yellow spires… I have to finish the upper center, and I’m probably going to redo the middle left upper spire too – it was the first one I did and it doesn’t look great. The bottom section with the flowers is totally done. Once I finish the spires all I have left is the small flowers towards the top and all of the Xs.

Last night I actually finished the upper center spire…. only to take it out of the hoop and realize I DID IT ON THE WRONG SIDE. WTF. That was two nights worth of work I had to (very carefully) rip out. So yeah that sucked. But I’m hoping to get it redone tonight.

I have a little light that attaches to a hat Chase gave me, I’m going to use it try to do some embroidery in the car ride to Branson tomorrow night. That’s a good solid 5 hours of riding in a car so I’m hoping I can get a decent amount done… maybe get all the small flowers done?? That’s my goal. Then another 5 on the way back Sunday….

When I did the Xs on the front panel a couple of weeks ago, it took me 3-4 days to them all on that panel (minus the shadow-stitched ones). If I can stay true to that I can hopefully have this done in 3 weeks?? That’s probably a pipe dream but that’s my goal, to have it done mid-March so I can do the collar, and the tunic, pants and belt the rest of March.

Anyway I’m just talking and not posting pictures so here we go.

Here’s the whole thing laid out on the floor of the hallway of my office this morning… I don’t have a good, well-lit place to do that at home LOL

I really should not have done those side pieces in yellow instead of grey. That was a stupid mistake that I just have to live with now.

And here it is wadded up onto the dressform last week:

I think he embroidery is looking a little heavy and thick but at this point there’s not much I can do about that. I’ve reached the “OH WELL” stage of this project. I mean except for pieces I did backwards, that’s fixable at least.

And now some random stuff. Got my hair cut last week, and he braided it really cute:

I felt like an elf queen.

Chase brought me some pink roses on Valentine’s Day, and they’ve opened up really pretty:

Sorry it’s not a prettier picture of them. I took it one morning before I left for work because I realized I hadn’t taken a pic of them yet.

And here’s a picture from Valentine’s Day:

We ate at home and watched youtube videos. Fancy.

PRINTS! I have costume prints to sell at Visioncon!

I have about 30 prints, a handful of them I have 2 copies of. Yay.

Sunday Ash and I went over to say goodbye to Booksellers/Davis-Kidd. They’ve been my favourite bookstore for 32 years but they announced they were closing in January, it’s so awful! I would beeeeg my parents to take me there all the time when I was a kid. Not just for books (because I went through books like crazy when I was a kid), but they also had a rubber stamp section and I had a rubber stamp obsession. My favourite stamp I got there was a stamp of Mr Spock. I still remember running in through the side door to the stamp section, and then continuing on into the kids section… and besides childhood nostalgia, we would just go there to shop and hangout several times a year, always do Christmas shopping there. We’ve trooped there a number of times for Star Wars events, and we did their Cursed Child party last year. Man it is such a loss for this place to close.

Sunday was the last day and they were selling EVERYTHING. Shelves, signs, and what was left of the books. I got a book. Ash got a really cool sign.

Yesterday we ran to target to pick up a few more last minute things, bobbie pins, etc. My phone started blowing up about this rainbow. Seriously, one aunt texted a picture of it to a group of us, and then another picture because it became a double rainbow. Then another aunt called about it, and then sent a picture too. We couldn’t see it at that point but when we came back out of Target, we could:

I just thought it was funny everybody was losing their mind over this rainbow. It was a great rainbow though.