Some more art

I finished up the other two Disney princesses the last couple of days:

Cinderella, meh, she was my least fav of the 4 I did.

Snow White.

I’ve also gotten all of the art pages/galleries finished and updated so if you wander into the art link in the menu above, it should be easier to navigate.

As soon as we get back from Disney, I’m jumping back into Bespin Leia. Fingers crossed. Also working on a small theater project with mom, so expect some sewing updates soon.

I’ve been SICK all week! Starting getting a sore throat late Tuesday, have sounded like a frog ever since, stuffed up, stuffy head, yuck. Even though I’m already on antibiotics for that sinus infection! All I can figure is that it’s either the original sinus infection breaking up, or I got a cold on top of the sinus infection?? I have no idea. It’s frustrating. I’ve felt kinda ok throughout, just really tired especially by the end of the work day. I just don’t want it to get in the way of MCFC tomorrow, so I’m hoping I feel better by this evening/tomorrow morning. Today, I have a severe Nyquil hangover so it’s hard to tell how I’m actually feeling…