So Friday and I had my “re-do” of my doctor’s appointment from earlier in the year – the one I had the panic attack at and they sent me away!
No panic attacks this time. BP was still high but not as bad as last time. It’s over and done with for a year!
But I for the past couple of weeks I’ve totally been stuck, like everything in my brain has only revolved around worrying about that doctor’s appointment. There was nothing beyond the doctor’s appointment. People would tell me not to worry. Don’t you wish it were that simple?
BUT NOW THAT IT IS OVER… I can focus on more important things like DISNEY!!! Also the antibiotics the dentist gave me have pretty much fixed all my tooth pain so YAY!! I kinda figured it was mostly all just a really bad sinus infection (possibly the worst I ever had??) so I’m glad that worked out.
So yeah Disney for Thanksgiving and I can’t wait. I bought Kevin a shirt for the trip — a Buddy the Elf shirt that says “Smiling is my favorite!”
I also used some of my birthday money and got myself a really cool Harry Potter hoodie.
Anyway, this weekend was mostly spent cleaning the house, doing some laundry, and I did a little bit of sewing…

Well, if putting a costume on the dressform and picking pieces of the skirt up and scratching my head over how to bustle it counts as sewing.
Seriously I want to get this thing fixed and done — I still need to finish the fix at the shoulder area which shouldn’t be too hard or take too long – one is mostly done, pinned in place. The sticking point is the bustling/pick-ups. I’m starting to think maybe just not bustle it at all. But mom is going to come over and put another set of eyes on it for me and help me decide one day soon.
ART! Yes there’s more art. I had to do some art for a friend so to warm-up I coloured a few of the sketches out of my sketchbook.
OH! First, here’s the finished Yfandes that goes with the other SunDowner stuff from a couple of weeks ago:

I just kept forgetting to upload her.

Dolores from Westworld

I couldn’t decide if I liked this better with the undersketch still showing or no. I went with leaving it, but I uploaded both versions:

and then I also finished the Aurora one and of course I had to do a pink and blue version.

Also upcoming is MCFC this weekend! Yay! We’re only going for Saturday — I’m wearing my Donna Unicorn and the Wasp I think. Of course it’s supposed to be in the 70s and nice all week leading up to the con, and then rain comes in friday and dropping down into a high in the 50s on saturday. OF COURSE IT IS.
But I have this giant faux fur coat my aunt gave me a couple of years ago (she thought maybe I could make something Game of Thrones related with it!), it’s just hanging in my costume closet, I think I’ll throw that on over Donna to keep warm and ALSO look like a very important and high class lady from the 20s. LOL