Like literally over the past few days I’ve typed the word “sketch” so many times to tag posts that it no longer looks like a legitimate word, it looks weird and wrong.
But I’m all done going back through the archives of my blog and adding in all the old stuff. Enjoy at your own risk and dear GOD I drew a lot in 1998. (And funny, going back through everything double checking, the only year I have absolutely nothing to show is 2014. What happened, 2014?)
And to keep the ball rolling I decided to go through my current sketchbook and scan the stuff I drew on the last car trip.

Edith from Crimson Peak. I don’t know that I’d ever finish this because I like it as a sketch.
That’s one thing I’ve learned in going back through EVERYTHING the past few week. My sketches were always better than the finished product. Something gets lost in the translation. Colouring was never my strong suit.

Dolores from Westworld. I would actually like to finish this one.
I am obsessed with this show. OBSESSED. I was a big fan of the original movie growing up (thanks for feeding into my childhood automaton fear, Yul Brynner) and I love love love this modern take on the idea. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
This and Stranger Things have been 2 of the best series I’ve watched on in recent years.

The updated SunDowner character references I posted the other day — here’s the Gracyn one. I want to finish it, too (I finished the Yfandes but forgot to upload it)
She needs a little tweaking of her proportions before I colour it, I think her head is a little big.

And here’s the Phis Lariod, he’s a little rougher than the others because I started to run out of page. He has no feet because there was no more room on the page for his feet LOL

I’ve always freaking hated drawing profiles but… that’s been the bulk of what I’ve drawn this year, with the Star Wars project I did earlier. Maybe an attempt to push myself, but also I do really love profiles in a general sense… so yeah I went off and did something else in the middle of typing this and now I’ve lost my train of thought so let’s move on.


Snow White

And finally last night while watching Project Runway I decided I wanted to do a Buffy in the vein of the Star Wars portraits from earlier in the year, just an hour long doodle in photoshop using a reference, but I’m fairly pleased with it.