Random Weekend Stuff

This past weekend, Chase went east to see some friends, and I went to have a Mema weekend! Yay!

Saturday we went shopping and hit up one of the closing Hancock Fabrics up there. Right after we left I saw the news on my phone that the rest of the Hancock locations will be closing. I’m so distraught, I can’t even talk about it, Hancock has been our go-to store for fabric and notions since I was a kid. It’s like losing a family member. (And this means that instead of having like, 8 options for fabric — multiple Hancock stores in my area — we have 1. The one Joann Fabrics in our city, and it’s a good 20-30 minute drive away. Arrrrgh.)

But I don’t want to talk about that. I got some cute fabric:

2 yds of the Rey fabric, 2 of the Star Wars “blue print” fabric, 4 of the grey X-Wing fabric, and 4 of the dwarfs fabric. I looove the dwarfs fabric! I want to make a skirt for one of our Disney trips! I also got some grommets (cuz why not, they’re always needed), and a HUGE embroidery hoop.

We went to Target where I discovered this super cute BB8 notebook… but I didn’t want to pay $25 for it. So I took a picture of it instead.

I had a “por que no los dos?” moment in the women’s section. Loved both this Rey and BB8 shirt… couldn’t decide which… so I got both.

(Also didn’t want to pass either up, since I hadn’t seen either of those at a Target store before and they were crammed back behind some other stuff like they were already the leftovers?)

Daddy Bob looking dapper at Cracker Barrel

We’ve been trying to find a cute comforter/sheet set for the guest room – I finally found the perfect comforter at walmart and had to get it:

They didn’t have the matching sheet set at that location. It pains me to have to go looking at other walmarts but I do want to get it eventually.

And finally I got the print Ash got for me for Christmas framed and put up in the living room:

This week is cleaning up my sewing room… getting it reset to start working on Edith finally.