Where did I leave off?

Let’s see, what art have I not posted yet?

I’m pretty pleased with this one.

Oola. I’m ambivalent. It was hard to find good, clear references at the angle I wanted.

Aayla! I like this one. It was fun.

Anakin… not crazy about it. I left it alone for a couple of days before coming back to finish it and I’m still not 100% pleased about it.

Kylo Ren…. hooooly craaaaaaaaaaaaaap is there a lack of references of him without the helmet. SO frustrating. I don’t think I got a very good likeness because I had to just kinda scrounge around and look at red carpet pics and guess. Need the dvd nooooooooooow… need good screencaps!

Lando! I think I could have pushed this one a little further than I did.

Luke! I’m not all that happy with his eyes, they kept looking funky no matter how many times I redid them. May redo him as jedi luke at some point anyhow.

Mon Mothma!

I did a new Leia, since the first one I did the other night doesn’t really match anymore as I got a little more warmed up over the week.

And possibly my fav of them all… Tarkin! I had a lot of fun doing this one.

I’ll do a costume update tomorrow šŸ™‚