Lots of art stuff today

Sorry I haven’t posted recently, I’ve really been buckled down trying to finish up the website! I’m almost there!

First off, here’s some more from the SW art project…

POE! I was blessed with a good reference for this for his face. I really like how it came out.

BB8! I said I wasn’t going to do the droids but… BB8 is so cute. And I actually like how it turned out.

Queen Jamillia…

Jaina Solo! I used ScruffyRebel as a reference. I really want to figure out which of my friends have EU/non-live action costumes I could also use as references. I have a few in mind.

R2… after BB8 I thought I’d try R2D2 also, but didn’t like how this was turned out quite as much.

Breha Organa…

Unfortunately I lost the full size version of Breha and R2 while deleting layers. I was stupidly doing all of these in the same file.

Bail Organa…

And finally, an unfinished Kevin as…. I think i’m saying he is Ben Skywalker.

Next up in Art Fest 2016… I did something I never thought I would do. I uploaded ALL of my old artwork I had saved in archives and backups. All of my old HP stuff, SunDowner issues, the stupid LOTR comic, everything. Unfortunately almost all of it has my full name on it which I’ve tried not to use online in several years… but I did create a new public art gallery over at my smugmug with all of my recent stuff (the star wars portraits), some of my fav from the 365 project a few years ago, and a handful of old stuff I still like/doesn’t have my name on it.

But I did dredge up a few more memories that I didn’t put in the public gallery and I thought I’d share them here.

Blast from the past…

This isn’t SUPER old… I did it around the time I was working on my original Arwen dress (late 2003?)

I didn’t realize just how much Sailor Moon art I did over the years until I saw it all sitting together in one gallery.


SunDowner group shot yaaaaaaaay

Back in the early days I would do a drawing of the costume I was going to do as a reference to hang in the sewing room. I have a bunch of those, including ones I never got to making:

Piper and Indy šŸ™

And a random photo lurking in my sketch archive:

That’s enough for now. Con this weekend! Whoo! I need a good Mema/con weekend.

  • Allison / Jume

    Oh man! It’s good to see some of these old pieces šŸ™‚ I definitely have the Vash pic saved from back then.

    • kelldar

      It was a lot of fun digging out my old archives and going through them, though there’s a lot missing šŸ™