
So yeah…. with that, Christmas was kind of an unhappy blur. She did get to spend Christmas with us – she got to go everywhere and see everybody and get lots of kisses from the whole family, so that was a blessing in the midst of everything.

But, to attempt to focus on more happy stuff….
I got some really nice presents. Chase & my parents spoiled me. Christmas Eve day we went to my Mema’s house. I skipped out on the family lunch and stayed at my grandparent’s house with Indy while everybody else went out to eat. Chase and I both got tons of Disney gift cards for our upcoming trip, yay! Nana gave us her family calendar again this year which was super handy last year, since it has everybody’s birthdays on it. Mema gave me a giant Fluttershy pony (which caused all the little girls to question if that was really for me… YES the pony is mine!!!!)

Christmas Eve night Chase and I had dinner together and then opened our presents. Indy was upset she couldn’t be in the middle of it like always since she was laid up in the armchair, so we brought her little bed down so she could lay in the middle of everything and I think she enjoyed it. Luna was into everything. I tried to get her to open her presents by sprinkling some catnip in them before wrapping them, but she was more interested in jumping in and out of boxes.

Chase got me: the mjolnir Thor light that I’d been wanting, some makeup I’d mentioned wanting ages ago (including Peggy’s lip colour for the Agent Carter series!), giant Reese’s cups, a book on historical fashion, a lil sebastian poster for my office, Cards Against Humanity (and Derek sent me the first expansion), a Lucy calendar, lots of cute socks that I need to figure out how to wear to show off at Disney World (seriously, how do you wear socks with shorts anymore? last time I did that it was the 90s and I’m not doing that look again.), and some little blind box figures (Mickey Mouse and Deadpool!) and a miniature light up Enterprise for my desk at work. Got some really nice presents shipped in from Chase’s family too; FFX and FFX-2, which I’m looking forward to vegging out to, an awesome skateland shirt, a scarf, and lots of delicious cheese.

Christmas Day we bundled up Indy and headed to my parent’s for our traditional breakfast and present opening. I got Parks & Rec Season 6, new towels, storage containers, frames, Infinity figures (Merida and Groot!) – I might be forgetting something. Best of all I got a new DRESSFORM! OMG! Joint present from my parents and Chase. It’s the same as my old one, but it’s not torn up, rusted and broken 🙂 I’m super excited and they really surprised me with that.

Had lunch at Kevin’s, more presents, back home for Christmas with Ash; she got us an awesome geeky calendar she made and some Scrabble refrigerator magnets that spell out our names!

And then came three full days of not moving off the couch, so I could stay by Indy. I’ve got to go through and unpack all the Christmas gifts and get things put away, but so far I haven’t had the energy.