Ok, I think this is the last costume wrap-up post I need to do.
Due to the crowds I only got to wear Anne once. I probably would have braved it again if I didn’t already have proof that someone stepping on my skirt could rip it – Chase accidently stepped on the side of it as we were heading back to the room and pulled the skirt from the bodice! It was only about a 2in gap it pulled open, and it didn’t tear – just popped the thread. So not only did it need a little repair, but I was terrified of it happening again.
I also need to go back and permanently sew down the corset straps, because as I put it on, the ribbons I’d sewn on for closures BOTH popped. I had to handsew it onto myself while wearing it, which was a pain.
But other than those fixes and tweaks everything else went swimmingly! I was very happy with it!

Unfortunately my girdle belt was twisted in all of these pics. Boo!

But I like them a lot anyway.

I can’t wait to wear it again.