
I finished my Johanna wig last night. Then I played with paint on my leather strips, and then I worked on the upper section of the dress.
But I didn’t take pictures of any of that.
I did get up early this morning and cut out some ruffles, gathered them, and pinned them onto one of my insert pieces to see how they were looking.

The upper section is very nearly finished -- I cauterized the edges of the chiffon.Starting working on rows of ruffles for the skirt insets. Also made  a base shirt for the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I’m pleased with how fast that went. 30 minutes to cut and ruffle those. I’ll do some more when I go home for lunch. I’ve got another cut of chiffon that’s a bit more yellow, so I want to mix those in with it.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to look like a marshmallow in this thing. Oh well. Too late in the game to worry about that.