
No, not my costume, last night I went to see the movie Belle which was a nice break from working and the costumes were very pretty.

So I didn’t get any sewing done to post about today, but I did play around with my Peggy wig some more.
My original was too dark, as you may remember me griping about back in June. The only other one I could find that I liked the style of was either too dark or too light. Nothing in the middle. So I went with the lighter one and sharpie dyed it. Which I thought was going to be easy, a quick run of a couple of brown sharpies and voila.
But, the brown sharpies were WAY too red. I had to add some black in to tamp it down. Here’s where I’m at with it:

(With flash, and without)

I bought a new wig, exactly like the other one that was too dark. This one was originally a golden blonde. I dyed it to a medium brown using sharpies. This is a flash photo - next photo is without | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Newly dyed Peggy wig - no | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

I need to get at the front roots and do them by hand. I also think I ended up getting a lot of colour/dye on the lace-front, which sucks because the whole reason I wanted that wig is because the lace was actually light enough to match my skin well (a rare occurrence). So I may have to attack it with some alcohol and/or colour remover.

But, as bad as I feeling about it yesterday, I think it’s pretty ok today. It was still a little wet in these pictures so tonight I’m going to brush it out and see about recurling it, since the curls all came apart and fell a bit.