
So year before last, the whole family went in together and got my grandma a Kindle. She reads a TON, and ends up with a giant stack of books she gives away or donates every month. So we all thought she’d really like a Kindle – we could set up wifi for her, and she could buy and read books without having to go out or then have to get rid of them. We got her the Kindle, a case, and a ton of amazon gift cards to use towards buying books.

Well the Kindle sat in her living room for months. Chase & I went up and tried to talk to them about setting up internet/wi-fi for them, but they weren’t interested in doing that. So the next plan of attack – I told her to give me a list of books she wanted, I’d take the kindle home with me, set everything up and download her some books. Well the problem with that was, she doesn’t really remember the names of what she’s read. She just goes to the store and thinks, this looks interesting, and buys it. So getting a list wasn’t going to happen.

So after the kindle sat at my house for a few months, I sent it over to my mom. She said she was going to take it up to Mema and take her somewhere with free wi-fi and walk her through everything.

A few weeks ago my mom texts me and says, “You now have a kindle.”

LOL. So Mema’s kindle is now mine; I got it plugged in and charged last night and started messing with it. I already had a few books in my amazon account – I’ve downloaded a few things to read on the ipad/at work. It’ll come in handy on road trips where I don’t have to lug 2 or 3 novels around in my bag. My mom is totally sold on her kindle, but I still prefer to read a real book (especially since I read in the bath a lot), so we’ll have to see if I become a convert to technology.

Speaking of reading!
I’ve recently read/am reading 4 books:

1. The Hot Zone – I picked this up right after we got back from Disney. Somebody mentioned it in a reddit thread and I remembered – hey, I have that book. Cat gave it to me a while back. It was so good, I plowed through the whole thing in a couple of days.
2. Dragonfly in Amber – 2nd Outlander book. I’ve been reading this off and on since December, I just can’t get “into it” to the point of reading it every single day. Both the 1st book and this one keep give me tantalizing nuggets and unanswered questions enough to keep me interested though.
3. The Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England – This is the book I’m alternating with Dragonfly in Amber. Pretty neat.
4. The Bully Pulpit – my grandfather loaned me this one. Just picked it up after finishing The Hot Zone.