New Costume: Glimmer

I’ve finished my Glimmer costume and have added it to my portfolio!


Glimmer is the main costume I was keeping secret — I got to be part of a big He-Man/She-Ra group at Dragoncon, and I picked Glimmer, and Chase was Bow.
We wanted to make the costumes have a more realistic bent, which for me was difficult with a bright pink and purple and blue character LOL

Glimmer and Bow

I had never had the whole thing on together before putting it on at the con – it had a few small snags.
The main issue I had was with the boot pieces – we could not get them stay glued onto the boots. Everything we tried popped off. I got frustrated with it on Tuesday and just took some embroidery thread and sewed them down (which ended with the wrong end of my needle breaking through my thimble and going into my thumb.)
They held ok except for some buckling – and that one of my main sections popped off when I put my foot in. You can see the buckling and the bottom section that came loose in the full length pic above.

Big group pic from Thomas.

Partial group from Steve McManus.

And I just realized somehow I missed uploading the pics I took of Chase’s Bow costume. I’ll get those up tonight.

But despite my being grouchy over anything with the costume, being a part of the group was really awesome and was a highlight of the con.