I hope everyone had a very fun & happy halloween this year!
Ours was rather low-key. At work, my team decided to be Mad Scientists, so I threw together a last-minute Dr. Forrester costume.

Kevin was our creature! He stayed in character all day, too.
We stayed home last night to hand out candy, and sadly did not have near as many trick-or-treaters as we have the past few years, so ended up with a ton of candy we won’t eat.
Here’s our decorations:

Chase carved our awesome pumpkin the night before š
I wore Belle for about an hour before I put the mad scientist back on. I still need to get some good pics of it with the new wig, once I finish re-doing it (the wig, I mean.)

The day before Halloween I got to be part of a Make-a-Wish Disneyworld presentation as Snow White. The best part was spending some time with some pre-schoolers, who all surrounded me, wanting to tell me what they were going as for Halloween, to tell me their names, and to ask if I knew who they were dressed as (there was a belle, a buzz lightyear, a snow white, and a tinkerbell!)

I’ll make a post about GMX soon, I just finished uploading the pics this morning!