Not a lot to mention recently.
I posted on my main page that I got my Batgirl mask! I’m so excited about it.

I’m doing the new 52 version, mostly because I like the purple cape. I’ve only barely started planning it; I’ve ordered some swatches for the suit and I’m going to start patterning it soon.
I got my Romana wig in the mail! I’m pretty happy with it. It’s a little one tone so I miiiiiiight add some darker roots, but I might not, just depends. It’s my first ever lace-front wig, so I’m very excited about that.
In other Romana news, I’m having the worst time finding shoes I like that aren’t super expensive. I have a pair I’m probably going to settle for.. I still need to buy socks, tie, and shirt, too, and make a new band for the hat.
For Belle, I’ve finalized the design and I’m going to order some swatches soon. A lot of it is going to depend on what I can find, in terms of fabric. Fabric pickings around here have been lame lately, so we’ll just have to see.
For group project #1, I bought most of my fabric – bought what I could locally and ordered the rest. I’m going to go ahead and make mine as a test run before I make the other 3 for our group members. As soon as it shows up (hopefully next week) I’m hoping to get the basic idea kicked out in a week or so – it’ll still need trim and a few other things beyond that.
For group project #2, I’ve been scouting the fabric for my own costume again. I haven’t ventured into looking for fabric for the other two yet, there’s no rush on that right now. But I think I’ve picked out everything for mine. I’m picking up fabric for my bodice tomorrow, and hopefully ordering some more of it next week. Thankfully I’ve realised I already have a wig and boots for my costume, so no having to scout for those!
I recently created a new tumblr that is solely for my costume pics, so if you want to follow me on tumblr without random geeky stuff from me, you can there š
I also joined pinterest. I don’t know a lot about it, so not using it a lot yet, but there it is.
You’ll love pintrest!! Tons of great inspirations crafty wise =D