Valkyrie and Rogue updates

So here’s “Pink Barf”…. aka this Shi’ar Rogue costume> from around Uncanny X-Men 342 (specifically the alternate cover which I’ve always loved.)

It’s not terribly flattering LOL But I love the pieces Chase made for me, especially the shoulder pieces, so I’m excited to get some shots of it. I added a belt for two reasons – one to throw my X-Men buckle on, since I’m not sure how recognizable it will be, and also to attach the hip pieces to so I don’t have to glue them directly to the suit. (That’s the last thing I’ve got to finish on it today.)

Best way I could get a shot of it was like this LOLNearly done, just got to add the silver hip pieces and then it's getting packed up for next weekend.I had some issues with the fit. I think I managed to fix the hip area by creating seams there - but still having fit issues in the chest area. Oh well, we'll see how it | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram
And here’s Valkyrie. I tried to put it on the dressform but it’s just too awkward!

Completed Valkyrie! All of the pieces laid out, before packing it up for | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

This shot doesn’t show my boots unfortunately which are my fav part and took the longest.

I’ll post a pic of Emma later today.