So didn’t work on anything last night. went on a really lame quest to 3 different fabric stores in search of silver fabric that didn’t look cheap, so I wouldn’t have to order it online, and didn’t find a thing. Then cleaned the house.
So for the next costume I’m about to start on, I needed some shoes to mod, similar to what I used for starfire and rogue back in 2005 and 2006. can’t find a darn thing online.
Well the entire time I was looking I kept kicking myself, because back in 2006 when I ordered those boots for rogue, the same store had this pair of sort-of “factory defect” boots that looked pretty similar, for like $4. So I bought them, and just put them away in case I ever needed something like that again.
Well during the move, I thought I might want them for AoA Rogue, so I went looking for them… and could only find ONE of them. Argh. I ended up using my ’06 Rogue boots instead, and just tossed the one boot in a bin and forgot about it.
Well after not having any luck finding similar boots lately, I decided to see if I could find that one boot. After digging for a few minutes I found it! And it’s perfect! And it’s only one.
Buuuuuut then I went back and dug around in that same bin, and there was the other one. Apparently I’d found both of them and put them together when I cleaned/organized all my costume stuff up last year. Hallelujah!!
Though – now I see why they were “factory defects” – the “suede” is flaking off LOL Doesn’t matter, they’re getting covered in spandex.